Part 25: old goodbyes new hellos

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"I want to join Trikru" My hands were shaky and I was bowing down to lexa.
"You can't just join" she laughed and walked behind me.
"Your weak" she kicked me to the ground.
"I can prove you wrong" I said getting to my feet.
"No you won't" She looked at her guards.
They grabbed me and locked me down in a cell.
At least I'm keeping my people safe.
Its been a few weeks since I have been down here. They have come down here several times asking questions and beating me.

Honestly I'm missing Bellamy a lot, I miss his hugs the way he made me feel safe.
I heard guns go off and people screaming.
My people only have guns, grounders dont have guns...
Oh god whats happening now.
"Come on get up" two guards grabbed me and jerked me around while they took me to Lexas thrown.
I heard people behind me.
I turned my head to see Bellamy, And clarke.
The guards put something around my arms to hold me back, my feet were also chained to the ground.
"LET THEM GO!" I screamed struggling to get out.
"Not until you answer your question, who killed a whole village two nights ago?" Lexa said as she walked around me sliding the knife lightly on my arms not cutting any skin.
"HOW THE HELL WOULD I KNOW!!" I spit in her face when she got in front of me.
I looked past her, Bellamy was on his knees and so was Clarke.
"Please just let them go" I pleaded.
"Its okay Addy just stay strong" My and Bellamys eyes connected.
A tear slipped down my cheek knowing what pain I probably put him in leaving, but the people are fine without me.
"Maybe they wouldn't be here if you hadn't shown up" Lexa harshly slid the sword across my stomach cutting my shirt. I screamed in pain, the pain I deserve.
"Its not her fault!" Clarke screamed. Trying to lunge forward.
Lexa turned around and kicked Clarkes side.
"STOP ITTTTTT!!!!!" I cried and tried to move forward but the chains held me back.
"Stop please" I hung my head low and cried.
"Your friends are your weakness" Lexa said as she put the sword to Bellamys throat.
I looked up, I froze I don't know what to say I don't want to say the wrong thing.
"Please no don't I will tell you anything just let them go" I tried to stay as calm as possible.
"Take Clarke away, put her in a cell." Lexa said.
"You will be okay Clarke" I said and she sent me a comforting smile.
"Bellamy is her weakness I see it in her eyes, she loves him so she will do anything to protect him" Lexa picked Bellamy up by his hair and brought him closer to me, she unlocked my chains on my hands and feet.
"Kill him or I will" Lexa said handing my her sword.
"No I won't do it and you won't either" I said bending down to Bellamys height.
"Just do it, I would rather you do it then her..." Bellamy forced a smile.
"No you're not gonna die!" I screamed getting up putting the sword to Lexas stomach.
"Free him and Clarke and I will let you go" I whipped some blood off my face.
"Guards unlock his hands and out him over there with Clarke, unlock her hands to" She pointed across the room.
"Now let them go!" I put the sword further into her stomach making her bleed a little.
"You're not as weak as I thought you were" She laughed a little.
"INTRUDER!" Her guards yelled as guns went off.
About four people ran in,
Marcus, Jaha, pike, and abby.
"How are they down here?!" I yelled still keeping my eyes on Lexa.
"We came down two days ago" Pike said pointing the gun at Lexa.
"Pike put the gun down" I said still keeping my eye on Lexa.
"No" he argued.
"DO IT!" I screamed making everyone flinch.
"Addilyn out the sword down" Bellamy said walking towards me.
"Bellamy stay back" I said looking at him.
"Lexa go sit on your thrown" I said keeping the knife pointed at her.
She slowly sat down.
I walked over to Jaha.
"I told you I would kill you, I swore it, I will maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but I will do it" I hissed at him.
"Addilyn!" Abby demanded that I out my sword down.
"No! He killed my brother mom and dad! He killed my whole family!" I grinded my teeth and held back the tears.
"He was only following the rules" Marcus said.
"So he sent down his own son and your daughter to die?! Along with many others?!" I looked at abby then Clarke.

*sorry its a short chapter*

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