Part 14: missing

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"Finn!" I yelled running to his side.
The sun was shining down at finn as if he were an angel from heaven😍.
"What!" He mimicked my voice.
"Want to go on an adventure with me while Bellamy Jasper and Monty go hunting?"
I asked.
"Yeah sure me and you only??" He asked shooting me a confused look.
"Yeah is there a problem?" My smile faded.
"No not at all when do you leave?" He asked as I grabbed his arm and ran forwards.
"Now!" I said with a big smile on my face, my heart was going at a steady pace but my feet were racing.
"Ready....GO!" Finn yelled at we raced each other to a random tree.
"Okay I win" I said touching the tree before he didZ
"This time next time you wont" he said smiling picking up my bag.
"Come on lets keep moving"
I feel like a child again, I feel free not because of Finn but because Im on my own sorta, I get to wonder and do what I want without worrying about rules and people.
"Wait..."Finn grabbed my arm and pulled me back towards him.
His eyes scanned the ground, I followed my eyes with his so I could see what hes looking at.
"Is that a dead body...?" I asked rushing over to it.
"No dont!" Finn yelled but it was to late, I felt two arms pull me into a head lock.
"FINN RUN!!" I screamed hoping he would run,
But he shook his head.
"Finn please go get help!!" I pleaded, he needs to leave now before more grounders come!
He nodded at me and took off running.
The grounder jerked me around and started walking.
"Let-me-go!" I was kicking and punching. Maybe it was a bad idea...
He hit me over to head with a rock, it was quick but it hurt.
"Shes awake" I heard a womans voice. The sound of rushing water filled my head along with her voice.
I tried to look up but everything was spinning.
The same guy grabbed my arms and pulled me back into the same head lock.
"No please dont"
He walked over to the water and stuck my head under.
Bubbles moved from my mouth to the surface of the water.
He brought me up within three seconds but it felt like three hours.
I quickly gasped for air so I would have some more just in case he did it again.
"Okay" her voice once again echoed in my head.
He tied my hands up and sat me down on my knees.
"The more you move your hands the more it hurts" she said noticing that I was struggling.
"Let me go" I said narrowing my eyebrows.
"No I want answers" she said walking around me.
"Why are your people down here?" She said getting close to my face.
"Its none of your business" I grinded my teeth and took in another mouth full of air knowing what was gonna happen next.
He turned me around and shoved my head under again but this time longer.
He brought me back up and set me in the same position I was before.
Water dripped from my hair over my eyes making my vision blurry.
"I want to meet with your leader, blood must have blood" what did she mean by that, did we kill one of her people...?
I kept my lips sealed as if they were zipped shut.
I heard a whipping sound then felt a sting on my back,
"If the whip doesn't work then kill her."
The last two words repeated.
"I want your leader!" She screamed in my face.
"I would die before I let you get to him!" I spat on your shoes.
"Again" she nodded at her slave and he whipped me again but harder.
"I will not ask again" she said kicking me on the side.
"Then don't" I have to protect bellamy, I have to stay strong, I would tale a bullet for him. Even though he wouldn't let me.
She kicked me once again but this time I fell to the ground, I let out a loud groan.
"Kill her" she said before getting on her horse and leaving.
"No please don't" I said looking up at him, his bright blue eyes sparkled in the light.
"I would rather not waist a good kill on someone like you, your worthless you never were special to anyone." He took off his mask and revealed himself.
"Blaine??" I said standing up.
But he kicked me back down.
"You died a long time ago!"
"Whats wrong casey??" I said as I rushed to my crying brothers side, its rare to see him cry, and I hate to see my brother cry.
"Blaine my bestfriend floated himself..." he sobbed into my should.
End of flashback:
"Ha no! I came down to earth a long time ago everyone thought I was dead even jaha." He said grabbing my hair and shoving my head back under water.
"Why are you like this we use to to close" I cried as he brought my head up.
He slammed me back down into the rocks so I was laying on my stomach.
"No I just wanted to use you for sex but look what happened" he said walking towards me, I quickly stood up and tried to run.
"Your not gonna get far" he said slamming me against the tree.
"Get off of me!" I screamed kicking him.
~~~Bellamys pov~~~~
"Get off of me!" Addilyn screamed from a distance.
I quickly and quietly followed the noise with finn.
I looked at a tree ahead of me, a grounder was kissing her and touching her in wrong places.
Anger filled up inside me until I could handle it.
~~~addilyns pov~~~~
He kept grabbing my butt and sliding his hands all up on me.
All I could think about was if someone was coming to help that someone as in bellamy or finn.

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