Part four:bellamy blake

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"You can sleep in here if you want because i know you dont have a tent" he said looking a bit nervous.
"Are you sure??" I asked rubbing the back of my neck.
"Yeah" he started to laugh.
"Okay" I smiled and took of my shoes then put them in a corner.
"Here" he tossed me a shirt.
"Umm look away.." I smiled and took off my shirt and slipped on his.
When i got my pants half way down I started to lose my balance.
I landed straight on my butt.
"Um need help?" He asked laughing and looking me in the eyes.
"No no I got this" I was determined to be able to get this.
"Its okay I can help you" he laughed as he pulled my pants off.
"Thank you..." I said standing up.
I noticed his eyes were focused on my thighs.
I forgot about my cuts.. about my scars.
"So do you have watch tonight??" I asked breaking the tension.
"No gladly" he laughed finally taking his eyes off of my legs.
"Okay gonna lay down.." I said laying down on his bed.
"Okay I will be back in a minute" he sorta smiled and left the tent. He was a bit off..
~~~Bellamys pov~~~~
After I seem the cuts on her thighs I got really curious about her family...why would she hurt herself like that.
"Hey clarke do you know anything about addylins family..?" I asked as she cleaned up linkin.
"Well I do know her mom got floated before addylin turned 17, her dad got floated on her birthday and her brother is all she has left..why?" As she spoke sadness filled me.
"Uh just asking" I said then leaving back to my tent.
I slowly came in.
Addy is so cute when shes sleeping..
Addy?! How did I come up with that.?
I took off my shoes and my shirt then crawled in bed with her. I was on the inside she was on the outside.
The moment my arm went around her she grabbed it and cuddled with me.
Her back was pressed against my cold chest.
~~~addilyns pov~~~
I woke up to feel bellamys hot breath hit my neck as he head rested between my shoulder and my head.
His arm was wrapped around me and our legs were intwined.
I smiled and rolled over to my other side.
I threw my arm around him as if I were hugging him.
My head was now against his chest and I curled up in a ball.
"What time is it" I asked.
"I dont know its still dark outside" he said. Im surprised hes awake.
"Okay good" I cuddled myself into him more.
I could feel him smiling at me.
He wrapped his arms around me and his leg. I feel so protected right now...
My eyes started to get heavy and I started to doze off.

~~bellamys pov~~
I traced my finger up and down her arm, or I would play with her hair until she fell asleep.
Once she was asleep I saw a bright light outside. I quickly but quietly got up from bed. I didn't bother putting on a shirt.
I saw a few people laughing and having fun with a flashlight.
"Ohhh blakes shirtless" a few girls smirked at me and walked towards me.
"Good night" I pushed then away feeling kind of bad but I have feelings for addilyn.
I keep denying it but why do I keep thinking about her all the time.
When I got back to my tent Addilyn was sitting up with tears in her eyes.
"Whats wrong princess??" I asked rushing to her side.
"I- I had a dream that the grounders came a-and killed you along with- every-one else except me.." she managed to barely get that out.
I wrapped my arms around her and she laid her head in my lap.
"Shh its okay love, I will never leave you"

~~addilyns pov~~
I rested my head on bellamys lap as he ran his hand through my hair.
Its like the moment he left I had that dream.
"Shh its okay love, I will never leave you" he said quietly.
"Promise..." I said looking up at him with puffy eyes.
"Promise" he smiled down at me and I couldn't help but smile back.
"You know your smile is the best thing ever...I mean well you are to.." I didn't bother looking at him because I knew my face was beat red.
"You're the reason why I am smiling" when he said that it kept replaying in my head over and over...

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