Part 18: back to the start

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"Your okay" I woke up to hear Bellamy talking.
"Who are you talking to?" My raspy morning voice creeped from my lips.
"Princess, she was having a bad dream" I looked over my shoulder to see him petting her.
"Awh you are such an amazing dad" I winked at him then flashing a smile.
He just smiled then laid back down.
Right when I thought we could get some more peaceful sleep someone barged in.
"Bellamy we need you!" Finn said coming in then leaving.
I got up quickly then slipped my pants on.
Everyone should know that we both go together.
He slipped on a shirt and I picked up princess.
Sunrise was just now showing, it was so beautiful.
Everyone some sort of leader was standing outside except raven and monty.
"Whats going on" Bellamy asked in a deep serious tone, he never uses that tone with me, hes always sweet and kind.
Octavia quickly came to my side.
"Aww shes so cute" she patted Princess on the head.
"Her names princess" I smiled and let O hold her.
"So we have noticed a grounder, come up here every so often not killing or threatening any of us just sneaking around" Miller said holding his gun firmly.
My heart started to race.
I glanced over at O she was already looking at me.
"Hey Addilyn let's go find a stick for Princess" O said giving me a look.
"Stay in camp" Bellamy said before we walked off close enough so we could still see Bellamy but far enough so he couldn't hear us.
"Thats linkin" O said clenching her jaw.
"We leave at sunset tonight and talk to him, everything will be fine" I said petting Princesses head.
"I trust you on this Addilyn"
"Hey Bellamy Im gonna go look for food with Octavia if that's okay" I smiled at almost asleep Bellamy.
"Sure just be back before it gets totally dark, good time to choose right when the sunsetting" I could tell he was being sarcastic.
I walked over to him kneeled down to his height and kissed him on the cheek.
"Love you Bellamy" I got up and walked out.
"Love you to Addilyn" he hollered back making everyone look at his tent.
"Awh" O said as she leaned against the gate.
"Lets go" I looked up at Miller to open the gate.
He did as asked and then shut it behind us.
"Bestfriends" O said joking around.
"Yup" I swung my arm around her neck just to mess around.
"Okay 'bestfriends' time to talk" lincoln said pulling us aside.
"Yeah no more showing up at our camp" I said putting my hands on my hips.
"Thats the thing, it's not me and you guys are not really here to learn how to fight, sky people 'you guys' will be fighting us 'the grounders' I have to protect you." He said as he led us to his house thing.
"No! I can't just leave Bellamy I can't leave princess!" My heart crumbled at the thought of losing them, I looked down at my wrist and then back at lincoln.
"I promised bellamy I would st-" before I could finish lincoln hit me over the head.
My eyes fluttered open. My hands are tied behind my back.
"O please let me go" I said grabbing her attention.
She rushed to my side and untied me.
"Be careful out there, remember stay strong no matter what happened or happens" she said opening the door for me.
"Thanks O" I smiled and ran.
Im mad at Lincoln he could have let me go earlier...
I reached the gate well half of the gate.
My heart dropped to my stomach.
The whole place was ashes except the dropship.
I quickly ran inside to see if anyone was there,
No one.
Its like everyone just up and left them blew the whole place up.
"Hello?? Bellamy??" I yelled outside but no one answered.
I ran over to where Bellamys tent use to be.
Nothing...I ran out of camp and back to O.
"Octavia!" No one answered
I ran in, "lincoln!" No answer.
Im alone, like when I first got here.
What if I never find anyone....
I wondered off towards camp with hope that I would find someone.
I walked back through where the walls use to be. Why would they just leave me like this.
The more I think the more tears filled my eyes.
Mist filled the cold morning air as my hot breathe turned into steam coming out of my mouth.
My feet began to freeze, the coldness walked up from my feet to my ears.
Maybe theres blankets left over in the dropship. I walked into the dropship and searched around. Nothing.
Well its warmer in here then out side.
I climbed the ladder and curled up in a bawl in a random corner.
I shot up, my heart racing out of my stomach and I was sweating like crazy even thought I was freezing.
Bad dreams again. I rolled my eyes at my dreams and leaned my back against the wall.
I got up and decided to go back outside with more hope of seeing someone.
"Hello?" I screamed in hope someone would answer but I knew no one would, but why not get my hopes up?
'Bark bark' "princess?" I searched around camp and outside of where the walls use to be.
"Addilyn?" Bellamys voice boomed behind me.
I quickly turned around to see Bellamy holding princess.
"BELLAMY!!" I ran to him and wrapped my arms around his neck making sure I didn't smash princess.
"Where were you?!" He asked pulling away looking at me making sure I was okay.
"I was looking for butterflies with O remember..." I said getting nervous.
"Oh I thought you were out getting food... but that doesn't matter what matters is that you are okay" he sent me a smile.
"What happened here?!" I asked looking around so he would.
"I dont know thats what im trying to figure out"

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