Part 26: goodbye

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"ADDILYN!!" Bellamy screamed, I turned my head and saw pike, he stabbed me in the back with a sword one of the guards dropped.
I dropped my sword to the ground, my sword made a loud thud and chaos broke lose, Bellamy was yelling so was Clarke.
Everything was moving slow motion.
I hit the ground I looked up at Bellamy. He picked me up and rushed out with everyone else.
"Bellamy, Im sorry, it's my fault this happened ... Bellamy---" he shushed me.
"Shh save your energy" Bellamy let a tear slip as he ran to some weird camp.
"Where are we..?" I turned my head trying to focus my vision, but it was useless so I turned my attention back on Bellamy.
"Im really tired bell" I said as he looked down at me.
"No you're not, you will stay awake" he said rubbing my head as we got into a building.
"I love you Bellamy..." I said as he set me down on a table.
"I will be back" he went to let go of my hand.
"No, please don't go, stay with me..." I grabbed tighter onto his hand.
He sat down next to me.
"You will be okay" Bellamy said quietly trying to stay strong for me.
My eyes started shutting as they did surgery on me, my heart beat started to go slower.

Bellamys pov
Her eyes started shutting, she was sweating a lot.
"Please stay with me" I begged grabbing a hold of her hand.
"I win!" She screamed as I held her up with my feet.
She fell on top of me and started messing with my hair.
"I love you bellamy" she smiled
I looked back up at her,
"Take care of princess for me" she gave me a weak smile.
"We will both take care of her" I said putting her hair back behind her ear.
"Bellamy,  I'm scared" she said letting a tear fall.
"It's okay just keep looking at me" I said grabbing her hand with both of mine.
"I can't do this without you babygirl" I said kissing her head.
"Yes you can, I know you can Bellamy your strong, thats- thats why I love you---" her eyes closed shut and her hand loosened letting go of mine.
"I love you to" I said kissing her cheek, a tear fell from her eye one last time.

I got up and kicked the chair down and yelled.
I ran outside to find pike.
"WHY WHY DID YOU HAVE TO DO THAT!" I screamed in his face.
I threw punches at him then slammed him against the wall. My vision was blurry everything was spinning, my heart hurts like hell.
I have never hurt this much physically and emotionally.
Jaha and marcus grabbed me putting me in handcuffs
"YOU KILLED HER PIKE!!" I fell to the muddy ground crying. Octavia and Clarke ran to my side, Finn not far behind.
"You're okay" O said embracing me in a hug.

"HURRY CLARKE SHES AWAKE!" Abby screamed from the arc.
I quickly got up and ran to Abby.
"Let him go" she said keeping focus on Addilyn who was now breathing.
Once they unlocked my hands I hurried to her side.
"I promised I would stay strong for you" She gave me another weak smile before grabbing my hand.
"She needs some rest Bellamy" Abby put her hand on my shoulder.
My eyes narrowed and I grinded my teeth as I looked up at her.
"Okay" I didn't want to waist my breath on fight.
"Try to rest babygirl" I said kissing her head.

~~~addilyns pov~~~
Bellamy kissed my head before leaving, I didn't want him to leave.
I should have known this would happen, I made things worse.
I was in so much pain. I could barely breath in and out without feeling like I'm getting stabbed again.
My eyes wondered around the room, I am in the arc again.

"Casey!!" I yelled running down the hall and jumping up wrapping my arms around him.

"Blaine babe I missed you" I kissed his lips as we strolled down the hall way with out hands together.
I closed my eyes letting the tears I didn't even know I had escape from my eyes.
I miss Casey the most out of anyone, but I know he would want me to be happy so I will be, I will try my best to be happy and strong.
I sat up wincing in pain.
I started walking outside when familiar faces looked at me.
"Hey i know I said be strong but that doesn't mean to skip your rest time." Bellamy said looking down at me. "I know I just wanted to know what has been going on, ya since I have---not been here" I said looking down at the ground.
"You know I'm really mad at you for leaving" he said making me look up at him, his eyes were narrowed and his attitude changed.
"Bellamy, I couldn't stand hurting other people" I knew exactly what he was gonna say after.
"Yeah well leaving hurt us, hurt me!" His eyes got glossy and he tried to keep calm.
"Bellamy i knew they were okay because they had you.."
"But I didn't have you, I only had me and thats not enough for me Addilyn! I need you! Do you not understand that!" I didn't know what else to say, I'm sorry Bell....
I moved closer to him.
"I can't let you get close to me if you're just gonna leave. Just go lay back down you need to rest" His eyes filled with pain.
I stood there not wanting to move, not wanting to do anything but just stand there.
I still love him, I always will.
"Couldn't you have just let me die!" I said making Bellamy turn his head at me as I stared Abby in the eyes.
"Im sorry Addilyn but I save people not kill people" She walked away.

Maybe being in space is better then being here.

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