-"I am sorry I didn't mean it. I was just angry"! Ever heard this?

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Words that come out of our mouths, can be like a dagger. It strikes directly to the heart and plants itself in it, causing the heart to send emotions to the rest of the body and soul whether good or bad.

So be careful with what you say when in anger, those words your tongue has uttered could be what breaks the other persons heart and weakens their soul.

Words are not like bruises it does not just heal away on its own. Words can not be reversed once it has been said, as the receiver will not be able to forget. Both love and trust can be lost by moments of anger leaving you both in a state that may not be rectified.

Narrated by Abu Sa'id al-Khudri

Allah's Messenger (saas) mentioned anger, saying, "Some are swift to

anger and swift to cool down, the one characteristic making up for the

other; some are slow to anger and slow to cool down, the one

characteristic making up for the other; but the best of you are those

who are slow to anger and swift to cool down, and the worst of you are

those who are swift to anger and slow to cool down."

He continued,

"Beware of anger, for it is a live coal on the heart of the descendant of Adam. Do you not notice the swelling of the veins of his neck and the

redness of his eyes? So when anyone experiences anything of that nature

he should lie down and cleave to the earth."

(Al-Tirmidhi Hadith 5145)

Narrated by Abdullah ibn Mas'ud

The Prophet (saas) said: A believer does not taunt, curse, abuse or talk

indecently. (Al-Tirmidhi Hadith 1740)

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