Last Time Seeing The Prophet ﷺ ┇

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Very beautiful story comes to my mind and every time I go to Madinah Munawara and I see this place tears begin to well in my eyes and I remember what happened that day Rasool'Allah (saw) was with Mu'adh Ibn Jabal.

And Mu'adh bin Jabal (ra) was a very close companion to the Prophet (saw) in fact, in many ahadeeth, the Prophet mentions his love for Mu'adh. As Mu'adh had an upper hand with the people of Yemen. So the Prophet (saw) chose Mu'adh to be a governor in Yemen and to also go there and to be a teacher for the people and teach them about Islam.

So the Prophet (saw) tells Mu'adh "Oh Mu'adh I have chosen you to be that very teacher, to go to Yemen"And the Prophet (saw) on the day that Mu'Adh is leaving Madinah tul Munawara walks with Mu'adh, He (saw) walks with Mu'adh from the vicinity of Madinah tul Munawara with the animal that Mu'adh will ride.

He walks with Mu'adh from the Masjid to the outskirts of Madinah tul Munawara. Today if you go visit that very place where Rasool'Allah (saw) walked up to Mu'adh you will notice a round about on it and it's called the gate of Madinah. The entry to Madinah, and at this very point Rasool'Allah (saw) turns and looks at Mu'adh and they've had a beautiful conversation from the Masjid up to this area. And believe me this was a quality time!

This was time that Mu'adh had spent with Rasool'Allah (saw) on a personal level! And you will know this that every sahabi(companion) felt he was the Closest to Rasool'Allah (saw). Every companion used to feel that Rasool'Allah (saw) was the pinocle in his life. Every companion felt that they could turn to Rasool'Allah (saw) for anything and everything!

You imagine Mu'adh walking with Rasool'Allah (saw) in his wonderful relationship with Rasool'Allah (saw) he walks to the outskirts of Madinah! And Rasool'Allah (saw) turns and he says "Ya Mu'adh, we will not meet again after this year"....Imagine, Imagine the feeling that Mu'adh would've had at that Moment! when Rasool'Allah (saw) A man is telling that these guys would've died for. Every companion would die for Rasool'Allah (saw). Every companion would want to be in front of spears and arrows when being thrown at him! Just like Talha (ra) at the time of Uhud when he was walking to Uhud and they were guarding Rasool'Allah (saw) he was singing a poem.... "That Ya Rasool'Allah today my face for your face is a shield and every time an arrow or a spear was thrown at Rasool'Allah (saw) Talha (ra) would catch it in his body, that he became a human shield for Rasool'Allah (saw)! This was the love of the of the COMPANIONS had for Rasool'Allah. Imagine Mu'adh on that day when Rasool'Allah (saw) says to him "That Oh Mu'adh I don't think we will meet again after this year" Imagine what Mu'adh felt like, when he was going on a journey hundreds of miles away from Madinah Munawara! Away from Rasool'Allah! Away from the beloved! these men could not bear a morning away from Rasool'Allah (saw) let alone thousands of miles abd years. And then the Prophet (saw) says to him "That Oh Mu'adh when you return, what you will find is my Masjid and My GRAVE!" And Mu'adh begins to cry! and says "Ya Rasool'Allah is this the last time I will see you? Is this it?" And the prophet (saw) begins to cry knowing that Rasool'Allah will never see Mu'adh again. And when Mu'adh gets on to his ride and begins to ride he cries his journey to Yemen! Knowing that the eyes that Allah had bestowed to him had seen Rasool'Allah (saw) for the very last time!

When Mu'adh returned he came and he saw the masjid of Rasool'Allah, he saw the Grave of Rasool'Allah and he no longer saw Rasool'Allah! This was a man who was hurt! A man who was in pain!

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