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"Izzie, babe, you need to chill out. It's just a nanny interview. You've had like 10 of these this month!" James voice was soothing, but it was doing little to relax me. My hands were shaking and my heart was racing.

"Yes, and if you didn't notice, I got none of those jobs," I told him, my annoyed tone giving away how I felt. "This needs to be different, James. I can't do the same old shit like I've done in those interviews. I need to stand out." I went across to the dressing table, picking up my earrings and looking at my reflection to put them in. Diamond earrings – that would sure impress a rich couple living in the Hamptons, right?

I brushed my hair to make sure it was smooth, before assessing my outfit once more. A black pencil skirt, a white blouse tucked in, and quirky blue and pink patterned suit jacket over the top. It was different, but I was hoping that was what this woman wanted. I'd heard from my job advisor that she was having difficulties securing a nanny, which surprised me as the kids were two little girls. They were usually the least trouble.

I slid my feet into my horrible and uncomfortable kitten heels, wishing that it was acceptable to wear sneakers to interviews, and wondering how I'd gotten myself into this position. 11 interviews in one month, for a job I didn't even really want. I'd dreamt of being an actress from a young age, but which small-town American girl didn't? After moving to LA at the age of 18 and getting constant rejections, I was completely discouraged and moved back to my tiny town Schlusser, Pennsylvania only 6 months later. Although I wish I'd stuck it out a little longer, I was glad I moved back to Pennsylvania, as I ended up meeting my boyfriend James when I was studying in Philly. He was at UPenn majoring in law, and we met at a party held by a mutual friend of ours. It sounds cheesy, but it was kind of like love at first sight.

I ended up studying at Drexel University and majoring in social care, which is what led me to nannying. I got my first gig in Philadelphia, working as a live-in nanny for a family who had a cute little boy. I worked there for 4 years in total, until the mom, Mrs Burns, ended up quitting her job so she could spend more time with him. I was sad to leave, but excited to move on to bigger and better things.

But I just couldn't find a job. I had worked as a kindergarten assistant for the past year, until James got a job in a law firm in New York City and I moved with him. Since we moved 3 months ago, he'd been supporting me completely, and although he could afford it, I felt bad.

And now here I was at the age of 26, finding myself going back to nannying. It wasn't what I wanted to do, but it was what I was good at, and it would help me pay my way with James. Although most of the jobs were live in nannies, this one was split between three other nannies and meant I could still live with James for at least a couple of days a week. Plus, it was in the Hamptons, so the salary was pretty good.

James and I had got the train to East Hampton last night, and were staying the night at cheapest hotel we could find, which was still over $200 a night. He was happy to foot the bill, saying "I would do anything for my beautiful girl." I was so lucky to have him.

"Okay, are you all set?" He asked me. It was 10.30AM now, and the interview was at 11. "Uber is on its way. You got your resume, social security details?" I nodded, checking my phone nervously. Our hotel was only 15 minutes away from Sagaponack, where the house was, but I was still panicking about being late.

My phone beeped, letting me know the Uber was waiting outside. Another bout of nerves seemed to set in at that point, making me feel sick to my stomach. "Ok, it's here."

"Good, luck, babe," James smiled, pulling me into a hug. I welcomed the scent of his Armani aftershave, not wanting to move from this position. "You'll be awesome. You just need to relax, okay? I love you."

"I love you," I told him, before grabbing my bag and giving him a wave, before heading out the door. As we were only on the second floor, I headed down the stairwell, getting to the front and the waiting Uber a minute later. He said hello to me I got in, but thankfully didn't strike up a conversation. I wasn't in the mood for small talk.

It didn't take us long to get to the house. When we pulled up outside the main gates, I was in awe at the sheer size of the place. As I'd had 10 interviews in this area so far I was used to humungous houses, but this one just put the rest to the shame. I felt myself shaking as I thanked the driver, climbing out the car and approaching the buzzer next to the gate.

A woman's voice answered a few seconds after I buzzed it. "Isabel Rhodes, uh, I'm here for an interview," I told her nervously. A moment later, the huge gates opened, and I walked hesitantly to the front door.

A blonde woman was there to greet me. To my surprise she was dressed fairly informally, in jeans and a sweater, and she had sneakers on her feet. That, and the huge smile on her face, made me feel completely at ease.

"Isabel, so lovely to meet you." Her voice was warm and friendly. She reached her arm out to shake my hand, and even her handshake was soft. I had a good feeling about this woman. "My name is Nancy, Nancy Juvonen. Will you come in?"

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