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"What the fuck, Jimmy?"

It took all my willpower to push him away, the taste of him on my lips lingering even after he'd moved away. I looked into his brown eyes which had grown much, much darker, and all I could think about was how much I wanted to kiss him again.

Desire was burning in me like it never had before. I was desperate for him – desperate to carry on kissing him and take it so much further than I knew we should. The burning between my legs was growing despite the fact we had stopped kissing, and I needed him to do something to do about it. I needed him more than anything.

However, the thought quickly disappeared out of my head when I remembered the fact that his wife was outside waiting for us. This was wrong – so, so wrong. As much as I felt like I needed him right now, I had a boyfriend and he was married.

He looked back at me for a few moments, his eyes wide and his chest heaving. Eventually, after what seemed like an age, he licked his lips before speaking. "I... I'm sorry, Izzie. I wasn't thinking."

I stood up, the realisation of what we had just done dawning on me. "Jimmy... why did you do that? Why did you kiss me? You're married."

He put his head in his hands. "I don't know, Iz. I wasn't thinking," he repeated.

"You said you were hooked on me," I replied. "Is that true?"

"I-I... I don't know," he stuttered, his fingers digging into his eyes. He was acting like a 16-year-old teenager, instead of a 42-year-old man. "Fuck, Izzie. Look, I do like you, okay? I know it's bad, and stupid, and-"

"Is this what happened with Alyssa?" I asked, the thought suddenly dawning on me.

"What?" His gaze met mine again, and my heart skipped a beat. "Of course not, Izzie. That was completely different. I can't believe you would even think that! Do you not get how I feel about you?"

5 minutes ago, him saying these words to me would have made me melt, but now I was just feeling pissed. Pissed that I'd let this happen, pissed at him saying these words when he had a wife. "But you shouldn't feel anything about me, Jimmy," I said, frustrated. "I'm your nanny. I look after your kids. You have a fucking wife, man," I sighed, looking down at him. "Your wife, she's so nice, and yet you do this! You kiss me. After you already kissed Alyssa."

"Don't act like you're so innocent, Iz," his tone finally matched mine as he spoke. "You kissed me back. You wanted it just as much as I do. You still do."

"I- I-" I couldn't speak, because I knew he was completely and utterly right. No matter how mad and confused I was feeling right now, all I wanted was to let myself fall into his arms and kiss him. He licked his lips again, as if to further provoke me into doing something I knew would be bad.

"Cat got your tongue?" He whispered, getting up to stand in front of me, his hands taking a hold of mine. He was so tall that I had to almost crane my neck to look up at him, my heart racing as his thumbs skimmed my fingers.

"Jimmy..." I tried to protest, but my voice came out weak and I couldn't move away from him. He moved one hand up to my face, softly stroking my cheek, and I let myself lean into it, welcoming the feeling of his skin on mine. "Jimmy..." I said again, with absolutely no conviction.

"Sssh, Iz." His lips were now at my ear, his breath hot on my skin. His other hand moved to cover the side of my waist, his fingertips gripping tightly onto me. I looked up into his gorgeous eyes, and felt myself surrendering again. "I want you," he murmured.

"God, I want you too," I found myself saying, unable to lie to him. "I want you. If you knew how I was feeling now, Jimmy..." I shook my head, looking down at the ground. "But we can't. You have an amazing wife, who you're happy with. We can't."

The Nanny [Jimmy Fallon]Where stories live. Discover now