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I had fallen in love with London the second I stepped off the plane. It was freezing cold, sure, but the feeling of being here was so different to being in America. In the cab on the way to the hotel, I couldn't take my eyes off everything. The buildings were so small compared to any in New York or LA, but I liked that. It was so different, but the city was lit up and buzzing, with people milling around, carrying bottles of beer in their hands as they walked down the street. I knew I was going to like it here.

We were only in London for 4 days, before heading to Sydney on Thursday, which I was also looking forward to, but completely dreading the flight. It would be 22 hours in total, which did include a 2 hour layover, but that was more time than I felt comfortable in the air. The flight here was bad enough - but that was understandable. My head was messed up.

"Nice hotel," I muttered to Louisa as we walked through the lobby, approaching the front desk. "Does it have a bar?"

"Don't you think you drank enough on the plane?" She snapped, before smiling at the friendly woman behind the desk and telling her our reservation. My mind went elsewhere, craving something strong. Almost all the alcohol from the flight had worn off now.

I had gone a little crazy when we first boarded - ordering champagne after champagne, before I eventually passed out and woke up only 2 hours from landing. I had just needed something to distort my brain, try and make me forget, and it had worked - at least until now. Thoughts of him and my humiliation were right back at the forefront of my mind, and I so desperately needed something to rid the recent memories.

I had been a fool. A fool who had taken a long shot, only to be left with disappointment as the man I thought loved me had stood me up, again. It had taken all my courage to send him that text message, inviting him with me as a last shot at our happiness. I had thought this was what he wanted, and that him ending things last night was just out of fear. Now I knew I was wrong. He didn't want me. He never did.

Yet, I had waited for him for far too fucking long, pretty much holding up the flight, having airline staff shout at me telling me they were going to leave me behind. I would've stayed if I knew he was coming, but he never responded to my text and he never bothered to show.

At least now I knew. And I could move on from this, and leave him behind. It was tough, but I'd done it once before. I could definitely do it again. Jimmy Fallon meant nothing to me anymore.

We got shown upstairs to our room, the concierge kindly bringing our bags up, and refusing our tip as we tried to give him a ten pound note. "You're in England now, ladies," he smiled at us. "We don't usually get tips for doing things like this."

"I like England, I can save some money here," Louisa smirked as we walked into our room. It was huge - it took us almost a full 5 minutes to explore it all, with two massive bedrooms, a big living area and it's own kitchen. I was in awe at the sheer luxuriousness of it all - I wasn't used to this.

Dave was here in London too, having taken an earlier flight, and was planning to come across to our hotel a little later for drinks. He had a couple of friends in London which he was bringing over, and I could swear he had mentioned his brother's name in there too. I wanted to ask for clarification, but I didn't want to seem like a complete loser who would fangirl over James Franco.

I went to take a bath in the ginormous marble bathtub, which took around 30 minutes to fill, but it was well worth the wait. I sank in, the warm water surrounding me. My eyes closed, and I allowed my mind to be transported somewhere else entirely, the smell of lavender oil letting me imagine I was in a meadow somewhere, filled with wild flowers and long grass. I was in a long dress, standing still and allowing the heat from the sun to hit me, my body in a complete state of relaxation.

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