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My heart was racing as he lifted me up and pulled my body into his, my legs wrapping around his waist. His lips found mine again, desperation clear through the passion of his kisses. I was aware of him slamming the door behind us and carrying me across to the lounge, but all I could focus on was the way he tasted. Like cigarettes and peppermint, as if he'd smoked then ate a breath mint to try and cover the smell. It was the most incredible thing I'd ever tasted.

One hand was on my waist and another on my ass as he brought me into the lounge, pressing me against the wall before kissing me again. He pressed his tongue into my mouth and it met mine in an instant, the pair of us moaning together as complete and utter desire took over our bodies.

I knew this was wrong. I loved Nancy and his daughters, but I needed him. I was being selfish, and immature, and stupid, but he was the only one who could break me out of this fragile state - I knew it.

"Jimmy..." I muttered as he moved away from my lips to turn his attention to my neck. He hummed, sending goosebumps over the entirety of my body. "Are you sure about this?"

"Iz," he whispered, looking back up into my eyes. His hand was now halfway up my back, caressing my bare skin which was still laden with goosebumps. "What would you say if I told you I was leaving Nancy?"

"I would say that's a lie, to try and get me into bed." I fiddled with the collar of his polo shirt, desperate for him to take it off. The burning between my legs was getting harder to ignore, and all I wanted was him. There was some guilt, but it was pushed aside by desire.

"It's not a lie," he murmured, moving his lips down to my jawline. He pressed sweet little kisses against my skin, before moving back to my lips and kissing me softly. "Gosh, Izzie, you're so beautiful. You've captivated me, completely. How could I stay with Nancy when I feel like this about you?"

I thought nothing about how ridiculous this was. I thought nothing about how this was putting my entire job in jeopardy, or how I was betraying a woman who had been so good to me. I thought nothing about the fact that what Jimmy was doing to Nancy was what James had done to me, only 10 times worse.

I only thought of him, and how his lips felt on mine. I only thought about the growing hardness I could feel between his legs, every second more so as we kissed. I only thought about how incredible he was making me feel, his words giving me the confidence that James had stripped away. I only thought of him.

He carried me across to the couch and let me fall down onto it, him clambering on top in an instant. His hands went to either side of my t-shirt and pulled it off, his lips moving to mine again as he went to take off my jeans.

I was lying in my underwear on Jimmy Fallon's couch, but instead of feeling embarrassed I somehow felt sexy, the way his hands were running up and down my body and caressing my curves driving me crazy. His stopped his hand as he reached my bra and softly rubbed his thumb over the material, right where my nipple was. It wasn't particularly pleasurable, but it contributed to the insatiable burning between my legs and I moaned softly into him mouth.

Spurred on by this, he reached around to unclasp my bra at the back, letting it fall to the side of us as he moved down my body slightly. I watched him as he kissed both my breasts, my heart racing as his hand started to move further south. His fingertips softly trailed over my stomach, down the crevices of my pelvis, brushing incredibly delicately over my lace underwear before moving down my leg, completely avoiding the area I so desperately needed him to touch.

"Jimmy," I protested as he continued to tease me, and he looked up to meet my gaze, his eyebrows raised and a smirk on his face.

"Yes, Iz?" I didn't reply, I just grabbed his arm and desperately tried to move it to where I wanted his hand, but he was a lot stronger than me and easily resisted. Instead, he moved his lips down to my stomach and began planting small kisses, taking an excruciating long time to move where I wanted him, but he eventually did.

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