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Surprise update time! I know I uploaded last night but I couldn't resist. Chapter is unedited though so sorry if there's any mistakes, I will be correcting. Enjoy <3


Tuesday evening, whilst I was lying in bed with James, Nancy called.

"Hello?" I answered. I had been a little pissed off at her. I mean, I supposed to be working tomorrow and it was now late Tuesday and she still hadn't contacted me. I know she said they worked fairly last minute, but this was a little crazy.

"Hi, Izzie, sorry," she sounded rushed. "Did I disturb you?"

I glanced at James, who was watching 'Games of Thrones' intently. "No, no, not at all. How are you?"

"I've had a busy couple of days," she sighed. "I thought the production was done for that movie, at least for a few weeks, but they called me in late Sunday to the New York studio. Things have been manic."

"Oh," I replied, not sure exactly what to say.

Luckily she continued instantly. "So that's why I didn't call. I'm so sorry, Izzie. I know this is unprofessional. But I'm going to need you to come to our place in the city tomorrow, if that's okay. Me and Jimmy are going to be out during the day, every day until Saturday, so I have Alyssa on too. Is that okay?"

I closed my eyes. I knew I would have to see Alyssa anyway, but having to spend 3 full days with her was going to be tough. "Yeah, yeah, of course."

"Great," she sounded relieved, as if she thought I was going to say no.

"So, I'll need the address."

"Yes, of course, I'll text it to you. Another thing, Izzie. The girls had plans to go and see Jimmy's show getting filmed tomorrow, and meet all the guests and stuff. I was obviously going to take them but now I can't, so I'll need you and Alyssa to do that."


I had completely forgotten for a second that being at Jimmy and Nancy's place in the city, where Jimmy stayed during the week, meant that I would have to see Jimmy. I was hoping I could avoid him for at least another week, but it looked like that wasn't going to be the case.

"Okay, no problem," I lied.

We said our goodbyes and I turned to James, who was still looking at the TV screen. He paused it when he saw the expression on my face. "What's up?"

"I have to go watch the Tonight Show being filmed tomorrow," I muttered.

"And that's a bad thing, why?" He frowned.

"It's just weird, that's all," I said quickly. It was annoying, because James was the person I would usually first come to when I was stressed out. But I just couldn't talk to him about this, without admitting I had a crush on my boss. And I didn't think that would go down very well.

So instead I snuggled back into his arms, trying to let Jimmy Fallon disappear from my mind.

But I couldn't.


"Izzie? Are you okay?"

"Izzie, we're going to see Daddy. He's inside there."

We were stood outside 30 Rock, a building which I'd often walked past, but never even thought of going into. I should have been excited to see Jimmy's show. Hell, this morning, I actually was! Ashton Kutcher was on, who I absolutely loved. But now, I was frozen to the spot.

"Izzie," Alyssa said again, looking annoyed. She was carrying Franny, who had refused to walk the 100 yards from the cab up to the front of the building. "Come on, it's too hot out here."

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