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"Come on, Jimmy. You can't be serious."

A million things were running through my head, all blending into one, so much so that I was surprised I could even string together a sentence. He was really here - standing in front of me like we'd never been apart, his face holding an expression that I'd missed so, so much. I didn't know what to say, or what to do - there were thousands of people here, many of which were probably watching us. I didn't care.

"You look beautiful, Iz. Absolutely incredible." His voice didn't waver as he spoke.

"Why are you here?" I asked abruptly, finding confidence in myself and remembering I was still really, really pissed at him. "You can't just show up like this, after letting me down before. Why are you here?" I was thinking of the airport, when I'd gave him his ultimatum and he hadn't taken it. How could he not come to JFK, an hour drive away from his house, yet he'd fly to a city on the other side of the world? It just didn't make sense.

"Because, Iz, I want to be with you. I want you," he smiled, letting out a small breath of air. "I've always wanted you. I know that now. I was stupid... the night of your premiere. I was an idiot. I just got scared... but it was stupid! I know it's you I want."

"If all that's true, why didn't you come to the airport?" I questioned, looking around to make sure no-one was listening. Louisa was stood on her phone, texting furiously as she kept on glancing to me. Dave... Dave was looking too, before back to his publicist who started to lead him down the red carpet.

"Iz, I did," he sighed, and I felt my heart drop into my stomach. "I came, but I was about 4 minutes too late, you were already on the plane. The airline staff, they said they would give you the message, but I guess they didn't," he muttered, looking down at the ground. "When you didn't call... I assumed you were pissed at me for being late. But Izzie, I came. I came for you."

Jimmy came to the airport. He came to be with me, but it was too late. He wanted me.

"You're so selfish, Jimmy," I whispered, shaking my head. "You could have called me. If you were running late..." My voice choked as my emotions came to the surface, stinging my eyes with tears. "If you were running late, you should have called me, or something. Instead of making me think you didn't care. Instead of making me..."

Dave. I used him as a scapegoat for the pain of Jimmy not wanting me, but now that I knew Jimmy did want me, this changed things. This changed everything.

"I feel like all I do is apologise to you, Izzie," he murmured, taking my hands in his. "Which is rightly done - I've been a jerk. I just turn into a mess around you, Iz. I can't think straight. I make these stupid decisions. I have so many regrets. But... you're not one of them. I know that now. I know that you're the one I want. Forever."

These words were all I wanted to hear. He'd hurt me, lied to me and played with my emotions, yet I was feeling myself turn into putty in his hands. His words were like my favourite song that I played over and over again, something I couldn't get enough of and would listen to every single time. I would choose him every single time.

But how could I make it that easy for him? "You really made me feel like you didn't care about me, Jimmy." This man may have flown across the world for me, but I had to be strong. "You've been so selfish, so selfish." I was starting to cave. "I... I don't know what else to say."

"You're right. I'm so, so sorry. I always cared about you, baby. Always."

I was breaking. "What about your show?"

"I called a break," he smiled slightly, and I couldn't help to return the smile. "I'm sorry," he said again. "I know you might never forgive me... I wouldn't blame you."

The Nanny [Jimmy Fallon]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt