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My heart did a flip at the sound of his voice, my drunken brain suddenly rendered speechless from him saying one simple word. Why was I even calling him? What did I expect to achieve from this? I wasn't sure - I just knew I needed to speak to him.

"Hi, Jimmy. It's me. Izzie."

"Oh, hi, Iz." His voice was warm and friendly, but still slightly stand off-ish as he probably wondered my reasonings for the phone call. "Aren't you out with your friends?"

"I just left them in the club. I just really wanted to talk to you. Is that weird?"

He laughed, and I cherished the sound of it. Jimmy's laugh truly was something else. "Oh, so you're drunk dialling? Man, that takes me back. Remember that time when you sent me that text when you were wasted, then pretended it wasn't meant for me? When really, all your drunken little mind could think about was me?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," I lied, thinking back to that time after I argued with James and sent Jimmy a message. "And I'm not drunk, Jimmy."

"You can't fool me, pal. You're slurring your words. Are you with Louisa?"

"No, just alone, outside. I don't want to go back in there."

A few seconds passed as he clearly weighed up his options, nothing but his shallow breath on the line, and I took the opportunity to hail a cab. I wasn't sure where I was going, but if there was even the slight chance that I could go to his, I would take it.

"You should probably go and find your friends," Jimmy whispered. 

"I could," I muttered, knowing for a fact I wasn't going to do that. "Or I could do something else entirely, you know? I mean, do you have any ideas?"

I was drunk and that was giving me false confidence, but I knew Jimmy wouldn't say no. And right now, seeing him was all I wanted. I couldn't be apart from him for any longer.

"A couple," he replied breathlessly, just as a cab spotted me and pulled over. "You know... it is 1AM. And I did just climb into bed. You should probably go back to your hotel or something."

He uttered the words with no conviction, and I knew I had won him over. Climbing into the cab and grinning, I replied. "I'll be there in 15 minutes."


As I made my way up to Jimmy's apartment, I couldn't help to mark the parallels between this and the time where I came to see him after me and James had argued all that time ago. A vulnerable young woman coming to seek solace in a familiar face after quarrelling with her lover. I knew this was different than the previous situation, but I couldn't help but feel like me being drawn to Jimmy like this time and time again was fate.

The fact I was still drunk was doing little to get rid of my nerves - my stomach was in knots as I knocked on the front door to his apartment, anticipating what may happen once I was inside. Jimmy was a gentleman and would never take advantage of me in such a state, but I wasn't sure if I would be able to keep my hands off him.

He opened the door, and I knew in that moment I knew it was me who wouldn't be able to keep my hands off him. He looked tired but gorgeous - his hair was messy and he was wearing a t-shirt and pyjama shorts, and I knew this was the real Jimmy I was seeing. And man, I had missed this Jimmy.

"Wow," he grinned as he looked at me, my heart swelling at the way he was looking at me. "You look gorgeous, Iz. Gorgeous and drunk. Come on in."

"I'm not drunk." 

"Iz, pal, I'm not an idiot. I know you - and I know when you're drunk."

I followed him through to the lounge, and I was surprised to see little had changed, although all the photographs of Nancy and him were gone, replaced with more of the girls. "Winnie and Franny. How are they?"

The Nanny [Jimmy Fallon]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang