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I felt dizzy as I rushed towards the front door, unsure exactly where I was going to go but knowing that I needed to get out of here. James caught up with me before I could get the door open, my hands shaking as I desperately tried to unlock it.

He gripped onto my arm and span me around to face him, and I was glad to see he'd had time to put on a pair of boxers to cover his modesty. His chest was heaving as he looked at me like a deer caught in headlights, and I felt tears start to build up in my eyes. How could he do this to me?

"Izzie, oh my god, babe, I'm so sorry," he eventually spoke, his voice breaking as sobs erupted from his throat. I watched him as he got onto his knees in front of me, his hands gripping onto my thighs as he sobbed dramatically.

"Don't," I hissed, looking down at him. I may have been crying, but all I was feeling was anger. I was furious. "How could you fucking do this, James?"

"I don't know Izzie, I don't know," he managed to mumble. I was about to speak, maybe shout at him some more, when the girl approached from behind him as he stood up, thankfully fully clothed. It took a second for me to recognise her face.

"Oh my fucking god," I laughed, shaking my head. "Seriously, James? Her?" The girl was Kate, a woman who he'd been working with since he started his job 4 months ago. She was absolutely stunning, and when I'd met her the first time I was a little intimidated by her beauty. But she couldn't have looked uglier right now if she'd tried.

"Izzie, I'm so sorry," she blurted out, her face full of sorrow and dread. "I didn't mean for this to happen, I don't know why it did, I-"

"Leave," I told her, and she reluctantly obeyed, heading straight for the door. I was pissed at her – she knew he had a girlfriend – but James was the one I was more concerned about right now.

It just didn't make sense. James was the last person I would ever expect to cheat. He was always the typical boy next door, an absolute sweetheart in most people's eyes, although I knew he had a darker side. Still – that darker side rarely came out, and even in his worst ever state I never thought him capable of this.

After Kate left, we just stood and stared at each other for what felt like hours, but in reality it was less than a minute. Tears were silently falling from my eyes, but his were louder than I'd ever heard him cry before. If he hadn't done such a moronic thing, I would have felt bad for him.

"Why, James?" I whispered after a few moments, watching him as he sighed, resigned.

"I don't know, Izzie."

"Liar," I spat, my voice raising. Anger was bubbling up in me, and I had the sudden urge to punch something. And James' face was right there... I clenched my fists tight to stop the temptation. "You know exactly why you did it. Things aren't right between us – they haven't been for a while. And it's because I won't have sex with you."

"We had sex the other week," he muttered.

"Yeah, after what? And we haven't done it since then!" I shook my head, looking down at the ground before I dared myself to look back into his cold, blue eyes. "How long has this been going on for, James?"

"Just this once," he sniffed, but I could tell he was lying, as he diverted his gaze from mine.

"You're fucking lying!" I shouted, approaching him and pressing my finger into his chest. I knew I probably looked crazy right now, but I didn't care – I felt crazy. "Tell me the truth, James. We're over anyway, so you might as well tell me the whole truth. It won't change anything."

Although I thought I knew he was lying, I really didn't want to hear that this had been going on for a long time. I hoped I was wrong, I really did. It was unforgiveable either way, but it would ease the pain a little if this was one of the only times.

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