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Get yourself a cup of tea, it's gonna be quite a long chapter! Also, make sure you read the authors note at the end <3


I awoke in a familiar bed with familiar surroundings, the intense pain in my head becoming evident only a few seconds after I woke. I turned around to grab my phone off the nightstand, checking the time: 10.13AM. "Fuck," I muttered, turning the brightness down and having a quick check of my messages, before laying back down on my back.

What had happened last night? My memories were blurry, all blending into one as I remembered leaving Jimmy's, getting on the subway, heading to a bar downtown...

I took me a few moments to realise that my surroundings were too familiar, and this bed was too familiar, because I was in my old apartment.

"Shit, shit!" I whispered, sitting up and trying to rack my brain. What else had happened last night? My head was pounding, and I just couldn't remember anything. The last thing I remembered was walking into that bar, ordering a shot of tequila, then another one...

Fuck. I called James.

I remembered it clear as day now, the worry in his voice as he questioned where I was and how much I'd drank. At that point, I wasn't sure. I'd knocked the tequila's back like there was no tomorrow, moving onto the vodka and soda's, which wasn't a good choice as vodka always made me black out.

I remembered him coming in, taking me in his arms as I sobbed drunkenly. I didn't remember telling him anything about Jimmy, but I completely blacked out, so who knows what I told him? What if we had sex? I was wearing pyjamas, but that didn't mean nothing had happened.

I heard a clattering in the kitchen, my heart sinking as I realised he hadn't gone to work yet and I would have to face him. I had no idea what he would make of this – would he think this was us back together now? I dreaded having to speak to him about this. I just hoped he would realise this was a drunken mistake.

I couldn't believe I'd been so stupid. How could I go back to the man who'd completely fucked me over, and had an affair behind my back? I knew I was hurting from Jimmy, but I didn't expect to do a full circle and go back to the man who'd been cheating on me for months.

Jimmy had been messaging me and calling me last night, but now it appeared that he'd got the hint as I hadn't received a text in over 9 hours now. I was more glad that I hadn't caved and gone back to him or called him last night – I'm not sure if that would've been worse or better than this situation.

I held my breath as I heard the creak outside the bedroom door, before James walked in, looking sheepish and holding a cup of coffee for me. "Hi," he said hesitantly, wavering at the door. "I made you a coffee."

"Thanks." I reached my hand out and he came across to me, handing me the drink before sitting awkwardly on the edge of the bed. The coffee was strong but it helped me instantly, making me feel more refreshed only seconds after the first drop touched my lips.

"Um... about last night," he muttered, our eyes meeting properly for the first time, making my stomach lurch. It had been over a month since I last saw him and he still had the same effect on me, which I hated. I wish I could say I was completely over him, but apparently I wasn't. "I'm sorry, Izzie. When you called last night, and you were crying, I felt so, so bad. I'm sorry for making you that upset. I had to come and see you."

I cringed a little at him thinking I was upset about him, but I wasn't going to correct him. "Do you remember much?" He continued. "You were totally gone, Izzie."

"Um, not much," I replied, trying to rack my brain, but I really couldn't remember anything after the bar. "Did we...?"

"No, no, of course not," James told me, and I felt relief wash over me. "You tried to kiss me, Izzie. You were wasted. I had to bring you back here – you said you didn't want to go back to Kara's. Are you still living there?"

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