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I stayed the night at Jimmy's. After he called Higgins and apologised, we moved to the couch and watched Netflix until we fell asleep. We woke up in the middle of the night, our bodies tangled together, and moved back into the guest room where we slept until morning.

Nothing happened – I think Jimmy was still fighting with his conscience, as throughout the night when we started kissing, he stopped it before it got any further. I didn't mind too much, as although I wasn't regretting what happened between us, he needed to prove to me that he was going to be true to his word before we took anything further.

It's not that I thought there was a future for Jimmy and I, because I knew there wouldn't be. I just knew that I couldn't go back to the way things were before – me working for his family and holding onto this huge secret. And I couldn't pretend everything was normal if he stayed with Nancy. I don't think he would do that, as he assured me he was leaving her, but this was the same man who told me not even a week ago that he was worried about his family and his reputation.

Jimmy left for London early the next morning. He told me I could stay as it was 5AM when he got up, but I thought it was too weird and his driver ended up dropping me at Kara's apartment.

"Thank you," I smiled at his driver, who gave me a nod. I turned to Jimmy, who was looking at me a little nervously. "I guess I'll see you next week?"

"Next week," he confirmed. "Nance and the kids get back on Monday, straight to the house in the Hamptons. I think Hayley is going but I guess Nancy will call you with all the details." He bit his lip anxiously through the awkwardness of talking about his wife. "I'm back on Tuesday. I am going to talk to her, Iz, I promise you that."

"Okay," I replied, really wanting to believe him.

"Come here, pal." His hand moved to the nape of my neck and he pulled me into him, our lips meeting. It was a short kiss, but it was enough to turn my body to mush and my legs to jelly. I wasn't sure how I was going to get through the next few days without seeing him at all. As he pulled away, he rested his forehead against mine for a few moments, his eyes scrunched closed and a frown on his face. "You should come with me."

"To London? What do you think Nancy would think of that?"

"She wouldn't have to know," he whispered, kissing me again. It was me who pulled away this time, bringing my hand up to his face and stroking his cheeky softly.

"But she would find out, Jimmy. And we shouldn't. Not until you speak to her."

In reality, I would love to go to London with Jimmy. It would be amazing to get away from the city for a few days and clear my head. I didn't really like tennis, but I imagined myself walking down Oxford Street and hitting all the stores whilst Jimmy was at Wimbledon, spending crazy amounts of money, then meeting Jimmy for dinner. We could go out drinking after, or just go back to our hotel and spend the entire evening in bed.

"You're right, Iz," Jimmy replied, just as I was starting to convince myself going with him would be a good idea. "I need to talk to Nancy. I just know I'm going to miss you."

"I'll miss you too," I whispered, glancing at his driver who had overheard everything, but didn't seem fazed. "Have a safe flight."

"Thanks," he smiled, kissing me one last time. "Bye, Izzie."

I jumped out the car and gave him a wave, before heading toward Kara and Rob's apartment block. It was 6AM now and I knew Kara would be up as she always woke at crazy times, even on weekends. I hadn't told her I was coming, as it had slipped my mind to even send her a text, but I hoped she wouldn't mind me turning up unannounced.

The Nanny [Jimmy Fallon]Where stories live. Discover now