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"No... Jimmy... come on, you can't do this. You really can't. Not after all this time."

He had a pained look on his face, as if this decision were difficult for him. If that was the case, why was he doing this? He couldn't want this - not really.

But here he was, standing here with his coat still on and his body already positioned towards the exit. His tone was far from forgiving and despite both of our best interests, I could tell his mind was already made up. I wasn't worth it. I wasn't worth the complications.

I looked down at my own dress, the events of what should have been the best night of my life already clouded by his words. It was almost comical, that I had such high hopes for the evening and they'd been shattered like this. Somehow and sadly, this had been expected. "Please, Jimmy," I pleaded, my last pathetic attempt to change his mind. But once Jimmy Fallon's mind had been set to something, it wasn't like him to change it. And I knew this.

He slowly turned to face me again, his dark eyes tear stained, his mouth turning down slightly at the sides. And before he could even open his mouth, I knew exactly what he was going to say.

No hesitation. No doubt. "Goodbye, Izzie."



"So what time is Jimmy getting here?" Robina, the make up artist, asked me excitedly. "Damn, I can't wait to get my brushes on that handsome face of his. Just something subtle, of course, he has great skin, but we don't want any shine in front of those cameras!"

My heart fluttered at the sound of his name, and I couldn't stop the excitement showing on my face, a huge grin spreading across it.

When I'd taken the courage to call Jimmy last night and beg for his forgiveness, I'd never imagined that the conversation would lead to him agreeing coming to the premiere with me tonight. This was a huge deal - this would pretty much confirm to the world that we were something, and there was no going back from this. Louisa had said it was a perfect way to address the rumours that had been floating around about us.

When I'd called him, honestly, I'd been terrified about what he would say. I knew this whole Cameron thing had bothered him, but thankfully he realised that he was the one I wanted, and not Cameron. It had been like that all along, and I was glad Jimmy had finally discovered that.

I looked back at my own reflection, admiring Robina's incredible make-up skills before answering her original questions. "I think 4. We have to be there at 5, right Louisa?"

"5PM, correct," Louisa smiled at my reflection. She was looking beautiful too after just having her make-up done, with her long dark hair curled to perfection. We were both still in our sweats, and I hadn't had my hair done yet, but we still had shit loads of time. I never knew why you had to get ready so early for these things.

I also had constant butterflies in my stomach, which weren't anything to do with Jimmy. This was the first screening of the movie ever, meaning that from today critics could watch it and potentially rip it apart. I was excited to see the movie, but I knew I wouldn't be able to enjoy it properly with all the worry in the back of my mind.

Just as Robina completed my make-up, finishing off the look with a dark red lip, Louisa pulled me to one side, a look of worry on her face.

"What's up, Lou?"

"I just wanted to check you're okay about tonight," she whispered, moving me away from Robina and other people who could potentially hear. "This is a big deal. You don't have to do this if you don't want to."

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