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"Wait, let me get this straight. Your new nanny job is for Jimmy Fallon? The late night TV show host?" My best friend, Kara, asked me. James and I had got back from the Hamptons a couple of hours ago, and headed straight out to the bar below our apartment block. I always joked that it was like we were in 'How I Met Your Mother', as we always sat in the same booth too.

"Yup," I said, popping the 'p' before taking a sip of my beer.

"Why do you seem so relaxed about it?" Kara pressed me further. "I mean, he's mega famous! And you've been in his house. It's crazy!"

I just shrugged, although I was freaking out a little inside. I didn't watch his show, but of course I knew who Jimmy Fallon was, and the fact I was going to be looking after his kids was a little daunting. But – it didn't matter who he was. I was still going to treat those cute little girls the exact same.

"At least you'll be able to stay in the city a lot of the time," Rob, Kara's boyfriend, pointed out. "Better than living in the Hamptons full time, huh?"

"Oh, I don't know. I could totally see myself adapting to that lifestyle, and turning into a humungous snob."

"You could never be a snob, Izzie. You love McDonalds too much," Kara laughed.

"Speaking of McDonalds," James said. "I need some food. Big mac, Izzie?"

James and I went off to get food, before deciding to call it a night. I still felt completely overwhelmed by everything that had happened today:  for months I had searched for a job, and then I was given one just like that. With the others, there had been multiple interview stages, and of course I'd been unsuccessful. But with this, it was so easy. It was odd, really.

But I wasn't going to complain. And I was not going to let the fact that I was now working for a celebrity faze me. Although, I wasn't sure how I would act when I actually came face to face with him.

We got back to our apartment, McDonalds in arms, and actually found ourselves watching 'The Tonight Show'. James was lay across the couch, scoffing fries into his mouth, a huge ketchup stain on his shirt. How could someone do something some unattractive, yet be so attractive?

"He seems like a super nice guy though," James said mid-scoff, pointing at the TV. Robert Irwin was on the show, so he and Jimmy were playing with some animals. He did seem nice, I thought, but who knew what people could be like off camera?

"Yeah," I replied, stealing a fry off James as I'd already finished my own. "And his wife was so friendly. So beautiful too. Let me show you a picture of her." I went on Google on my phone and searched for 'Nancy Juvonen', loading up a picture of her and Jimmy and showing it to James.

"Yeah, she's pretty hot," he nodded, before focusing his attention back on the TV. "Ugh, what kind of animal is that?"

I sat back and watched the show feeling all warm inside, like I knew this was the start of something good. Like I knew my life was about to change.


Nancy had told me that she would call me in the next few days with the details for my starting – however it was at 8AM the next morning that my phone starting buzzing, waking me up from my deep slumber. James had already evidentially left for work, and I was surprised I hadn't woken as I was usually quite a light sleeper.

"Hello?" I answered, trying not to sound as exhausted as I felt.

"Hi, Izzie? It's Nancy. I didn't wake you, did I?" Her voice sounded the exact opposite to mine: cheerful and wide awake.

I sat up in bed, rubbing my eyes. "No, no. I get up at 6AM usually, but I had a lie in till 7 today," I lied, not wanting her to think I was lazy. "How are you?"

The Nanny [Jimmy Fallon]Where stories live. Discover now