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The house was lovely and homely, not an air of superiority about it, which I'd seen in so many of the homes I'd been to. We went through to the lounge area, where she gestured me to sit on the huge plush couch, her sitting on the one opposite me.

"Um, I have a copy of my resume here," I told her, fumbling around in my bag.

"Oh, no, don't worry about that," she said warmly. "I've already looked over it a little, but I find it much easier for you to tell me everything you've done. It's much better that way. So how about you tell me your experience with nannying?"

"Okay," I said, ready to get into a huge spiel about my experience and how I was perfect for this job. I told her about all my experiences, focusing particularly on how much the family loved me, and how I still kept in touch with them today. When she was looking over the letter of recommendation I brought, I found myself studying her face. I'm sure I recognise her from somewhere, I thought.

"What a great letter," she smiled, looking back up at me. "You're certainly very qualified. Well, I should probably tell you a bit about our family," she said, setting the letter down on the coffee table. "Me and my husband work extremely long hours and demanding jobs, which is why we need multiple nannies. It's tough being away from the girls for so long, but we have to do it really, to provide a better future for them."

"What are the girls like?"

Her face lit up at the question. "They're beautiful. They're called Winnie and Frances, or Franny for short. Winnie is 3, Franny is 2. I'll get them to come downstairs soon, they're upstairs playing with Alyssa, one of their other nannies." She paused for a moment. "This is a fairly rare day off for me. I'm a movie producer, so my job requires me to go around various locations in the country. I'm mainly based in the city, as is my husband." A movie producer, I thought, impressive. I must have seen her at some awards show or something.

"How often do you spend here?" I asked her.

"Well," she laughed slightly. "Mainly just weekends, although we do spend some days here during the week. It depends on what project I'm working on, really. We're the city the majority of time, which means the work will be split between here and there. I trust that's not a problem?"

"No, of course not," I said quickly. "That's probably better, actually. I live in the city with my boyfriend. But of course, I'm willing to travel anywhere." I added the last part as an afterthought, hoping the fact that I was so keen to work in the city wouldn't hinder my chances.

"That's fantastic," she smiled. "Do you mind if I ask too, how old are you?"

I felt myself tense up at the question – one of the suspicions I had about why I wasn't being hired up to this point was because of my age. "I'm 26."

"You'll probably get on with Alyssa then, she's 29," Nancy replied. "Our other nanny, Hayley, is a little older, but she's lovely too."

"That's good to know. Honestly, I've never shared a role with other nannies before. Can I ask, what are the hours like?"

"It differs, depending on my work load, honestly," she told me, tucking her blonde hair behind her ear. She was incredibly beautiful, and I couldn't work out her age. "My husband works Monday to Friday every week, so he usually spends time here at the weekends, where we'll only have one nanny, which Alyssa covers at the minute, as Hayley can't do weekends. If you were successful, you would have one alternating weekend each. Would that be okay?"

"Of course," I said quickly.

"Great," she smiled again. "During the week, it's a little more complicated. My husband is always in the city, unless he has vacation time which is pretty rare. I'm usually working in the city, but I will sometimes come here. The girls will usually be wherever I am, so it involves a lot of travelling. Do you have your own transport?"

The Nanny [Jimmy Fallon]On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara