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Hope you all don't mind these frequent updates - I just had these chapters sitting in my drafts so I thought I might as well just publish! Also - sorry this one is so long! Enjoy x


The following week seemed to drag more than ever, mainly because I was at a point where I was completely desperate to start work. Every single day was the same – waking up around 10AM, eating breakfast whilst watching The Office, going to meet a friend for lunch, then heading to the bar with James when he finished work. I was savouring the week with him though, as I knew it would be a little different once I started working.

"So are you going to have to stay over there quite a lot?" James asked me. It was Thursday night, and I was heading to the Hamptons tomorrow for 12PM. I was taking the train, which took like 3 hours so I had to get up really early. Me, James, Kara and Ben, another one of my friends, were sitting in the bar.

"I guess so," I shrugged.

"So like, do you and the rest of the nannies have to use the same bed when you stay over?" Ben frowned. "That's pretty gross."

"Of course not!" Kara exclaimed, taking a sip of her wine. "This is Jimmy Fallon we're talking about. I bet he has like 10 rooms in each of his houses."

We carried on joking about the richness of the family, but I was feeling very nervous. I was going to meet Jimmy Fallon tomorrow, and I wasn't sure how I felt about it. I liked to think I would remain calm and collected, but what if I got star struck and just couldn't talk?

"I can't believe you're leaving me tomorrow," James muttered. It was a little later now and we were back in bed, snuggled in together. "I'm going to miss you. It's gonna be weird."

"Mmm, I know," I sighed, letting his arms envelop around me and pull me towards him. His lips pressed against mine, igniting desire deep inside me in an instant. It was crazy – we had been together for nearly 6 years now, yet he could still make me feel like this.

Our kisses deepened as his hands moved down to my ass, squeezing my cheeks and pushing our bodies together. I felt him harden against me, his lips now on my neck, which sent goosebumps through my entire body.

"I love you, babe," he whispered in my ear, his fingertips creeping up the inside of my thigh.

"I love you too, James," I told him, allowing my nerves for tomorrow disappear out of my head, making tonight all about me and him.


I lifted my hand to ring the bell and noticed how much it was shaking. I pressed down on the button quickly, moving my hands so they were at the side of my body, trying to stop myself from feeling so damn nervous.

An unfamiliar lady answered the door a minute later, although I quickly realised that this was probably Hayley. She was probably late 30s, with a warm friendly face and dark hair tied back into a ponytail. She spoke with a broad Southern accent. "Oh hey, you must be Izzie. Come on in, sweetheart."

I entered the familiar surroundings, walking past her and straight into the lounge, where the girls were sitting playing with their dolls. I went over to say hello to them, and they remembered my name which was pretty awesome.

"I'm Hayley," the brunette lady said from behind me. "You're already acquainted with Winnie and Franny, I see. Aren't they just precious?"

"They're gorgeous," I smiled at her, before back down to them.

Hayley quickly ran me through what was happening today. I was essentially going to be shadowing her and Alyssa with the girls' routines, which were quite simple, according to Hayley. We watched the girls play whilst we chatted, her mainly telling me more about them. We were distracted a few minutes later, when we heard the front door open.

The Nanny [Jimmy Fallon]Where stories live. Discover now