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The morning routine was less complicated than the night time one, although having to do it alone was a little daunting. Jimmy helped me a little, before he had to run off 9AM to meet his friend for brunch, and then he was doing this radio show thing. Who has brunch at 9AM, seriously? I wanted to correct his pretentious ways, until I remembered that he was my boss, and being rude to him probably wasn't the best way to go.

He'd also hardly spoken to me all morning. Last night, he had seemed so nice and friendly, then just blew me off so quickly. And, there were those weird comments he made...

I checked my phone at around 11AM and saw I had a text off Alyssa, who had made us exchange numbers yesterday. 'All ok?' it read.

I replied that it was, and she instantly sent another message back. 'What's Jimmy doing?'

'He went out with a friend for food, now he's on the radio.'

'What friend?' I rolled my eyes, replying that I didn't know and throwing my phone back into my pocket. I was sure she had a crush on him, which wasn't exactly appropriate considering he was our boss, and he was married. I mean, I got it – he was really cute.

This was only the second day I'd spent with the girls, and I was already in love with them. For such a young age they were so smart, but each had a very different personality. Winnie was like Nancy said – very sassy, self-assured and serious, coming out with the funniest one liners I'd ever heard from a child. Franny on the other hand was a little wilder, and slightly boisterous, but she was absolutely adorable. I was worried how they would take to me as I was a completely new person in their lives, but they seemed to really like me.

Nancy called at around 1, checking how the girls were. "Did you get to meet Jimmy then, last night?" She seemed a bit tense, nervous even, although I wasn't quite sure why.

"I did, yeah. He's great with the girls."

"Yeah, yeah he is," she said thoughtfully. "Well, I just called to see how you would be getting on. I'm glad everything is going okay."

When I thought about it, it was a little weird that I was allowed to spend time alone with the girls when this was my second day - surely I should be supervised? I guess Nancy was just a very trusting woman.

Jimmy got back at 5PM, to find me and the girls sitting in the lounge playing with their Barbie's. He grinned when he walked in. "Having fun?"

"Daddy!" The girls screamed in unison, jumping up to hug him. I stood up too, unable to stop the smile on my face as I watched the way they interacted together. Those little girls loved him so much.

I felt my heart skip a beat as his eyes met mine. "Everything been ok?"

"Yeah, great," I said, beaming down at Winnie and Franny, who had gone back to playing. "We've just been in, I made that lunch that you said for them. Nancy called too, just checking how everything was. When is she back again?"

"Not until tomorrow," he replied, sitting down on the couch. "I was thinking of taking the girls out for dinner tonight, just to our local Italians."

"That would be nice."

He eyed me for a second. "Will you come?"

"Don't you... don't you want some alone time with them?" Although he was great with them, I was a little surprised how little time he actually spent with them. I mean, he only had 2 days a week where he didn't have to work, and he'd hardly seen them at all today.

"I would like you to come, Iz," he smiled slightly. "I want to get to know you a little better." The way he was looking at me with those deep brown eyes, it was almost as if I couldn't say no. He kind of terrified me. I just nodded meekly, trying to force a smile across my face. This wouldn't be weird at all, I thought, although I didn't quite believe it.

The Nanny [Jimmy Fallon]Where stories live. Discover now