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Quick disclaimer before the chapter - I hope you all don't mind me posting this in wake of Jimmy's mum passing away.. I wasn't sure whether to but I've had this chapter ready for a while, and a couple of you told me it was okay. If you don't want to read it, I understand - no spoilers but it's not the nicest chapter in the world about Jimmy - just a warning!

RIP Gloria Fallon <3


I awoke in Jimmy's arms early the following morning, and honestly, it was the most incredible feeling in the world. It sounded cheesy and cliché, but there was literally nothing like waking up with the person that made you the happiest in the world, and Jimmy was that for me right now.

After our heart to heart last night, we fell asleep pretty late, our bodies entwined together as we watched late night TV. We even watched his show, although he told me it made him embarrassed to watch himself. Shamefully, I did fall asleep halfway through, completely content with his arms around me.

I left his around 10AM as he went off to work, going back to Kara and Rob's to get ready before heading out to shop. I had just been paid today, and as I didn't have as much rent or bills to pay now I was staying with Kara, I had plenty of cash to splurge. Plus, I really needed a new wardrobe. It seemed like every item of clothing I owned reminded me of James – the dress I wore on one of our dates, the pyjamas I wore when we lay on the couch watching TV all day, my favourite pair of jeans which I always wore when we were together. There were too many bad memories attached to my current clothes, and I needed to get rid of them anyway I could.

I spent a few hours shopping, returning to Kara and Rob's a few hours later and many hundreds of dollars cheaper. I had never been able to buy clothes like this before – I had always been too poor, and my budget never allowed huge shopping sprees like this. I lay back on my bed, surrounded by all my new purchases, feeling quite content.

I sent a picture to Jimmy of me with all my shopping bags around, writing 'Did a little bit of damage shopping... oops! How is your day going?'

'Nice - you look very hot 👀 it's pretty fun – we're about to start rehearsals. I miss you, though. When can I see you next?'

I bit my lip, looking at my phone screen, unsure what to say. I wanted to see him as soon as possible, maybe even tonight, but I didn't know if that was a little keen. I replied saying 'I'm not sure. I'll be back in the Hamptons this weekend. Will you be there?'

He responded 'I don't know yet. Feel free to come tonight – I'll be in anytime past 7 😊'.

The thought of seeing him only a few hours from now made my heart flutter, which was onset with a dreaded feeling of guilt. I couldn't help but feel guilty – not so much when I was with him, but every time he wasn't with me to distract me from the feeling. I knew Nancy wasn't really into their relationship either anymore, but I was pretty much betraying her, aswell as Winnie and Franny.

The fact that I probably wasn't going to be working for them for that much longer was playing on my mind, too. I knew if Jimmy and Nancy broke up, even if Jimmy and I kept us a secret, I couldn't face Nancy and pretend everything was okay.

My head was completely messed up, and being around Jimmy wasn't doing me any favours, as although he completely distracted me from all the worries I'd been having, I needed to think about what I wanted to do, realistically. I just hoped I'd get this acting job, as I needed something to get my foot in the door. Maybe the fact that I knew Jimmy would give me an advantage?

I spent the rest of the afternoon looking for auditions, sending my headshots and resumes across to pretty much anyone that was hiring, hoping that at least something would come from it. By the time I finished, it was 6PM and Kara had messaged me saying she was picking up Chinese food on her way home from work. Just as I was texting her back, my phone started ringing. I was shocked to see Alyssa's name on the screen.

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