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This part is a little shorter cos the next part is so damn long! Enjoy <3


"Everything okay, Iz? You look a little tense." Jimmy's eyes were burning into me, his intense brown orbs making me feel a little flustered. I glanced at Nancy, but she was too preoccupied with Franny who was refusing to eat her food. Winnie was passed out asleep next to her.

"I- I'm okay," I gulped, although that was a complete lie. I looked out the airplane window, instantly regretting it when all I could see were clouds. We are so fucking high, I thought to myself. How does this thing float without dropping out the sky? What the fuck was that noise? I found myself gripping onto the seat, which Jimmy noticed straight away.

"Relax, Iz," he said softly. "Just take deep breaths, okay? Would you like some water?"

"No, no, it's okay," I replied, but took his advice anyway and breathed in deeply.

I had only flown 4 times previous to this – twice to LA and twice back, and it was safe to say I wasn't a good flyer. Honestly, I was terrified each time. I always had it in my head that I was going to die, and made sure to send lengthy text messages to all my loved ones before taking off. I was always fine, of course, but it still scared me every time.

However, when I showed up to the airport and realised that I was going to be flying in a private jet, I thought it was going to be okay. It was a short flight, and I knew I would get waited on hand and foot whilst I was up in the air. Plus, I would have the girls to distract me and Nancy and Jimmy to keep me company.

But so far, it wasn't going great. As well as the fact I was 30,000 feet up in the air, being around Jimmy again was reigniting feelings that I thought had gone. And with the way things had been left with James, I found myself feeling attracted to Jimmy all over again.

James and I hadn't really spoken the past few days. We'd been civil, but that was it and honestly, it had been extremely weird. It had left me wondering what the hell was going on with us, and although I loved him and wanted things to work, I knew we needed to have a serious talk when I got back.

The plane jumped with a tiny bit of turbulence, and I gripped the seat even harder. Sensing my fear, Jimmy came and sat in the empty seat beside me, the smell of his aftershave taking over my senses in an instant and making me feel lightheaded. I glanced at Nancy, but she wasn't even looking.

"You're gonna be okay, pal," he smiled. "We're nearly there. Why don't you drink some more champagne?"

I did as he said, almost downing the glass in one before turning back to him. "I don't know if getting drunk is really responsible when I'm supposed to be looking after your kids, Jimmy."

"Naw, Nance has them," he muttered, gesturing across to them. "Get as drunk as you want, Iz. I would join, but I have to drive when we land."

Both of our gazes flicked across to Nancy and the girls as Franny threw some food on the floor, and for a second I felt guilty for the way I was feeling about Jimmy.

But this was innocent. It was just a crush, and she had no idea what was running through my mind right now – that every single thing about Jimmy was making me feel funny. The veins on his arms when he tensed, the slight stubble that was starting to come through on his cheeks... just looking at him gave me butterflies.

Okay, so maybe it wasn't totally innocent. But he was married, and even though he had been flirty with me, nothing would ever happen, especially not with his wife around. The whole thing with Alyssa had been a one off.

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