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Taehyung hated him.

He hated him with everything inside of him. Hearing his name just turned him all the way off, leaving him in a bad mood for the rest of his boring day.

Hoseok didn't mind that the younger felt this way about him. He knew that his friends were only around because of his money. They were all fake. Knowing that there was someone who didn't worship him like he was some kind of king was very comforting to his nerves.

At the moment, Taehyung was telling him off for smiling at him.

"I know you were trying to belittle me. Guess what? I don't need your sympathy. Not everyone wants to be a rich idiot like you. I tend to enjoy being a middle-class citizen so the joke's on you"

"You're right"

Taehyung hated how he could smile through anything. He hated it with a passion. He hated him with a passion. Just looking at his stupid face made his blood boil. The side of his mouth twitched as he tried to contain his anger.

"I hate you" he hissed. Hoseok just gave him a small smile and walked away.


The next day came quickly and it was the same thing as yesterday. Taehyung was yelling at Hoseok and the elder just stood there agreeing with everything he said as usual.

"Stop mocking me!" Taehyung shouted. Hoseok only sighed. He was going to walk away when Taehyung grabbed his arm and slammed him onto the lockers.

"Am I invisible to you? Just because I'm of lower class it doesn't mean that you can just brush me aside! I'm a person too if you didn't realize it"

"Hey! What are you doing to Hoseok?!" One of Hoseok's friends asked. He ran over and shoved Taehyung, making him stumble backwards and fall onto his butt. "You're not even worth his time. Why don't you get your little puny ass out of here! You're not tough!"

Hoseok looked at Taehyung with a blank expression on his face. "Let's go, Hoseok" the boy said, leading Hoseok out of the school like he was his bodyguard or something. Taehyung groaned and picked himself up off of the floor.

As usual, he was the last one to leave the school (except for club members and athletes). One day he was going to get Hoseok back. He didn't know how but he would find a way.


The brown haired boy jumped but quickly regained himself when he realized that it was just his friend Jimin. "You okay? Why are you limping?" His curious comrade asked. All the latter did was sigh and Jimin immediately knew what it was.

"What is it with you and this Hoseok guy? You do realize that you're bullying him, right?" He pointed out. Taehyung shrugged. "I can't stand him at all. I shouldn't say these things but I would really enjoy watching him fall off a cliff."

Jimin nudged him. "Ow!"

"That's so mean! He never did anything wrong to you. Why do you hate him so much? He seems like a nice guy" Jimin stated with a slight smile. "You don't get it," Taehyung started. "He provokes me! He may look calm on the outside but trust me. He's a devil. That stupid smile he always has on his face. He loves making a fool out of me."

Hate ➸ VhopeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora