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Taehyung and Hoseok walked hand-in-hand as Hoseok led the way to their destination. He was a bit anxious since they were in an abandoned area so he tightly held onto his hyung's hand. Not only that but Hoseok's hands were really soft and he liked the feeling of them.

"Hyung, where are we-"

"We're here!" Hoseok exclaimed, cutting him off on the process. Taehyung furrowed his brows as he looked at the worn down building. "Don't tell me we're going in there. W-what if it's haunted?"

Hoseok pinched him. "Yah! Don't say that. Now I'm scared to go inside"

"So let's get going then"

"No it's fine. You're here with me so I'm not scared. You wouldn't abandon me, would you?" Hoseok asked with a pout. Taehyung tried his best to avoid Hoseok's eyes but the elder was just too cute.

"Fine, fine" he finally agreed. He bravely walked into the building with Hoseok and they made their way upstairs. Thankfully there were windows inside of there because he wouldn't be able to stand complete darkness.

Hoseok pulled him to a room and shut the door. "No! Turn the lights on!" Taehyung yelled. Hoseok chuckled and flicked the switch on. "You can open your eyes up now.. mister 'I'm dominant'" He teased. Taehyung glared at him before pushing him up against the wall.

Hoseok's breath hitched when Taehyung suddenly began kissing his neck. "I... know...that I'm dominant" the younger said between kisses. Hoseok was about to give in to Taehyung's oh, so tempting lips but realized the main goal of them going to such a creepy old place.

He gently moved Taehyung off him and smiled. "Later, okay? Have you forgotten why we came here?"

"Oh right. Show me how much of a badass you are"

A smirk grew onto Hoseok's face as he sat Taehyung down in a chair. "I've always had weird fantasies of this and because you're my boyfriend and open to a lot, I was wondering if you'd be willing to... try it out with me"

"Try out what?"



"Nothing too crazy. Just some games I've had in mind"

Taehyung didn't like the sound of that. The look on Hoseok's face told him that these games would be far from innocent. "What are these games?" He asked. Hoseok giggled and pecked his lips.

"Hide and seek. I'm gonna blindfold you and if you can catch me you can do whatever you want to me"

"I don't need a game to do that"

Hoseok raised an eyebrow. "You sure about that?" He asked. Taehyung nodded. "I'm positively positive."

The elder winked at him before picking up a piece of wood off of the floor, exposing a hole. He gave Taehyung a cute smile before reaching inside of it and taking out a blindfold, handcuffs, and duct tape.

"Oh no. Hyung, you're not planning on using that on me, are you?"

"Are you scared or something?"

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