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Taehyung had spent his whole night thinking about what Jimin had told him. How did he figure it out? Everything was making his brain hurt

"Agh stupid stupid stupid. This is all stupid. There is no way that I still like... him. Absolutely not. That's just wrong on so many levels" Taehyung ranted to himself. He continued to get ready for school and prepared himself to confront Hoseok about it.


He waited patiently at Hoseok's locker as he watched a crowd of students enter the building. After waiting for about three minutes, Hoseok showed up at his locker. He was surprised to see Taehyung standing there but he still greeted him respectfully.

"Good morning"

"Hey. Um, can I talk to you for a second?"

"I guess. What is it?"

Taehyung dragged him away and into the janitors closet like before. Hoseok was going to ask what he was doing but Taehyung pushed him up against the wall and trapped him between his arms. "I'm going to ask you this one time and one time only."

Hoseok's heart was going a mile a minute. He was anxious to know what Taehyung was going to ask him. "Do you remember that time when we were younger? It was when we were in middle school and I really wanted to be your friend"

"I-I remember"

"Did you ever wonder why I wanted to be your friend so badly?"

"Well yes. I always wondered why. No one else in your grade wanted to be my friend. I was a bit concerned at first But you were very nice to-"


"No. I would never do that" Hoseok said. Taehyung got upset but avoiding using physical contact. "You're such a liar Hoseok!"

"I'm not lying. I was very busy at that time. I had dance practice, vocal training-"

"Whatever! I was eleven years old crying over you because you would barely acknowledge me! You hurt me at such a young age!"

"How was I supposed to know that you were upset about us not being friends?"

Taehyung was so pissed off but he couldn't exactly figure out why. "Because you're so stupid! You don't understand anything!" He yelled. Hoseok covered his face with his hands.

"I already know that I'm stupid"

"Not only are you stupid but you're annoying and clingy"

Hoseok wanted to cry a river at this point. "I-I'm sorry. I don't mean to be like that. But you don't have to make me feel so bad about it"

"I don't care how you feel"

"That's great. That means that you won't react when I tell you how I feel about you"

"How do you feel about me?"

"Well, I don't really like you at all" Hoseok said, becoming regretful right after. Taehyung just stared at him blankly. "That's okay."

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