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"Taehyung and his stupid kisses and his stupid smile and stupid everything that I just can't get enough of. Why is he so dense??" Hoseok spoke to himself as he looked in the mirror. Usually he'd smile at himself in the mirror but today was one of those rare days where he just couldn't bring himself to do so.

He frowned and walked over to his bed. He has never in his life felt so low. He plopped onto his bed without the usual pep in his step. "Ugh." He moved his hand around until he contact with what he was looking for.

Taehyung's earring.

It was inside the flowers Taehyung had given him a while back. He really liked the color, it's texture, and the fact that it was the younger's so he decided to keep it. Since then whenever he felt sad he'd play with the earring to help him fall asleep easier.

He closed his eyes and fiddled with it until he very much did fall asleep. Although he'd always feel just a hint of guilt for not giving it back.

"I'm so tired of this"

"Of what"

"Fighting with Hoseok! One second we're doing great then the next we're arguing and cursing each other out. I want us to get along but he really pisses me off sometimes"

Jimin sighed as he rubbed temples, tired of being in the middle of Taehyung and Hoseok's problems. "Why don't you two just go and make up? It's like every other week you guys get into it and I'm the one you come to with the complaints"

"Well you're my best friend and this is part of the best friend rule book. When one of us has a problem we talk about it to the other. And at least I don't call you in the middle of the night ranting about liking two people at the-"

"Shhh! No one's supposed to know about that so keep it down"

"But you can tell the whole world about my problems? Great"

Jimin pinched Taehyung before continuing to eat his ice cream. "You're so abusive, hyung. What has our relationship come to?"


"Yes. You don't even give me kisses anymore. Just pinches and insults" Taehyung said with a pout. Jimin put down his chopsticks before opening up his arms. "Come here you big baby" he said. Taehyung smiled and went into his arms. "Happy now?"

"No. You didn't give me a kiss"

Jimin kissed his cheek before letting go of him. "Now are you happy?" He asked. Taehyung nodded. "Very."


It's now almost been a month and the two still haven't spoken a word to each other. The tension between them was so overwhelming that even the teachers began to take notice. One even made the effort to ask Taehyung if everything was alright with him.

Due to the fact that their relationship was not one you'd see everyday almost everyone knew about it at school.

Out of the two, Hoseok has been suffering the most. He hasn't really been sleeping or eating. Just sulking. All he wanted was for things to go back to the way they were when he and Taehyung were sort of getting along.

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