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"Jimin, why did you tell Taehyung to apologize to me?"

Jimin laughed awkwardly. "W-well you see, you didn't do anything wrong so and I don't like how he bullies you and-" Hoseok cut him off by slamming his fist on the lockers.

"He doesn't bully me! I wish everyone would let me deal with problems on my own! I'm not a baby for crying out loud!" He yelled. Jimin stood there afraid for his life until someone came over and stood in front of Hoseok.

"What happened? I was looking all over for you" Jin told him. Hoseok glared at Jimin before looking back at Jin and smiling. "I'm sorry, hyung. Do you still want to work on our project?"

Jin nodded. "Absolutely. Um, is it okay if I go with you?" He asked. "Of course. My driver is outside waiting so let's hurry up shall we?" Hoseok said before taking Jin's hand into his and sashaying out of the school, leaving Jimin standing there all alone.

"What was that about?" Jimin spoke aloud before walking out of the school building as well.


"I told you that Hoseok is the devil! He's gonna shoot up the school one day and I'm gonna be the first one he kills!" Taehyung told his best friend. Jimin rolled his eyes.

"If you keep talking like that, Hoseok will kill you" said the infamous Park Jimin. Taehyung scoffed out of disgust. "I'll gladly let him kill me. That way when I'm dead I can haunt him and make his life a living hell. He will definitely jump off a cliff when I'm done with him."

"Kim Taehyung! Have you lost your mind?!"

"Yes. Yes I have"

"You're so damn annoying"

"You have a lot of nerve. You come to my house everyday and never leave when I ask you to" Taehyung commented. "Hush. You know that I'm a delight to have around. If it wasn't for me, you'd be obese from stress eating all the time" Jimin said jokingly even though he wasn't joking.

Taehyung and Jimin were the definition of a love-hate relationship. It was like they couldn't live with each other but couldn't live without each other either. All of their fights were so petty and made absolutely no sense.

The most serious one they've had was when Taehyung threatened to bring a knife to school and stab Hoseok to death. Jimin was not going to let his best friend go to prison over a stupid feud between him and a school mate. He knew that deep down, Taehyung was just envious of the senior.

Think about it, Taehyung gets so upset when he feels as if Hoseok is mocking him or looking down on him. Even though Hoseok does no such thing, he never defends himself or has a comeback for the younger. He just agrees with everything being said which makes Taehyung even more upset.

Deep down, he just wants Hoseok to accept him.

So does Taehyung hate him?

Not exactly. He just hates that he has everything he doesn't.

Does Hoseok hate him?

Of course not. He's thankful that Taehyung treats him like he treats everyone else (well actually a lot worse) and doesn't treat him like he's superior to him because he's not. He's just your average 17yr old senior who likes food, rapping, and dancing. Although, his skills are nowhere near average.

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