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"You're walking so slow" Hoseok nagged. Taehyung sighed and ran to his side. "It's not my fault that you like school and I don't" he said. They continued to walk in silence until Taehyung almost tripped over a crack. Luckily Hoseok caught him in time and helped him stand.

"You're so clumsy sometimes" He chuckled. This made Taehyung pout cutely. "I'm not clumsy, the universe just really hates me for some strange reason." "Maybe you accidentally peed on mother natures favorite plant" joked the elder.

"Ha ha"

"I agree. It was a pretty good joke"

"I was being sar- oh never mind. It was funny I guess"

Hoseok smiled brightly. So brightly that Taehyung couldn't even look. It was too overwhelming. He turned his head the other way and awkwardly cleared his throat. "I just thought about something. How are you going to school without a backpack?"

"Oh, I'll have my driver bring it"


The once comfortable silence was now awkward, each of the young men waiting for the other to start up a new conversation.

"So how is everything- oh sorry" They both spoke and cut themselves off at the same time. They stared at each other for a few seconds before laughing. "You go first" Hoseok said. Taehyung nodded.

"So how is everything for you at home? I'm sure your parents are concerned that you stay out a lot lately"

Hoseok nervously nibbled on his bottom lip. "Um, I think they're sort of okay with it. I always text them to let them know that I'm well so I think it's okay to assume that they don't mind me staying out. They know that I don't drink, smoke, or hang out with bad people so I guess everything's alright."

"Never guess. Comfirm"

"Yeah, you're right. I'll ask them later"

"Don't you forget"

"I'll try not to"

Hoseok lifelessly walked through the halls, knowing that he had his next class with Seokjin. He did not want to see him at all. Just knowing that they were in class together would make him extremely embarrassed and uncomfortable. He was certain that everyone knew about it and would make fun of him for getting dumped twice.

He thought of many ways to avoid going to class. Well that didn't work very well since he thought so much that he didn't realize he walked right to the front of the class. The moment he stepped foot into the classroom he felt eyes on him:

"There he is. The heartbreaker!"

"Yeah the prince! He doesn't deserve all that money! It's not courteous to cheat on people!"

Hoseok already wanted to break down and cry. He quickly made his way to his seat and sat down. He then opened up his textbook to the page that was written on the board. "Can this just be over?"

He started reading the article so that he could complete the assignment given to him but was interrupted when a paper airplane flew right into his head.

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