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Taehyung slowly opened his eyes and was met with a bright light. It stung his eyes a little but he eventually adjusted to it and looked around. Yoongi and Jungkook were sitting beside him.

And so was his mom and Jimin.

And someone was standing by the door.

Jung Hoseok was standing by the door.

Taehyung quickly sat up and glared at the elder. "Why the hell is he here?" He said under his breath. "Taehyung! You're awake!" Mrs Kim exclaimed. She wrapped her arms around his thin frame and left a kiss on his temple.

"You had us so worried" she told him.

Taehyung nodded but redirected his gaze towards Hoseok. "Why the fuck are you here?" He asked. Everyone but Jimin was shocked at the language he used.

Hoseok smiled before speaking. "Just wanted to make sure that you weren't dead. And I clearly see that you're not dead so toodles"

Hoseok was about to leave when Taehyung said "Hold up!"


"How come you weren't at school for all that time? You're friends were all worried about you and took it out on me! I should be getting an apology!"

"Okay. I'm sorry, Kim Taehyung. You satisfied? I can say it again if it makes you feel any better"

"Ugh! Just leave!"

"You're supposed to say go die. Isn't that what you want me to do?"

The whole room went silent.

"What's he talking about" asked Taehyung's mom. Yoongi and Jungkook looked around awkwardly and so did Jimin. "Um..." Jimin started.

"I told Hoseok to go die because that's what he should do. He thinks he's so much better than everyone else because he lives the most perfect life. He's rich, popular, handsome, and smart and all he does is rub it in my face" Taehyung interjected, cutting Jimin off.

Everyone gasped, including Hoseok.

"When have I ever showed off? I never bring up anything that has to do with my personal life. You just start attacking me out of nowhere for no reason. But don't start being nice now. Continue hating me and expressing how much you don't want me to exist. Okay?"

"Look at you acting all high and mighty again. Stop pretending to be innocent because you're not!"

"Look, I have places to be-"


"Me too" was all Hoseok said before finally leaving.

Mrs. Kim was the first to speak up. "You have some explaining to do"


Hoseok stared at himself in the mirror. "I'm okay with him hating me" he said aloud. "I always told myself that I wouldn't be a selfish person. I'm making Taehyung miserable by living."

His parents thought he was depressed but that wasn't the case.

He wasn't sad at all. He liked emotional pain and loved feeling worthless and vulnerable. It made him feel closer to people of lower class and helped him better understand why they wanted what he had. He hated being treated like he was better than others.

His mother thought he was suicidal or something when in reality that was something he'd never consider.

Taehyung's mean words wouldn't even drive him to do that.

Hoseok wiped the smile off his face.

"This will fix me, right? Maybe this will make Taehyung happier. I mean, I am already happy but he isn't. Like he said, I have everything. But...why do I feel like nothing?"

Hoseok looked at himself in the mirror again. "No smiling tomorrow." He looked at his emotionless face and waited for a few seconds only to not feel anything.

"Well that was a waste. I don't feel any different" he chuckled. He walked out of his bathroom and went over to his bed. "I might as well go to school tomorrow" he stated before drifting off to sleep.


Taehyung walked into the school building with a smile on his face but it was soon replaced with a frown when he saw Hoseok. Not only did the older boy look sad but he also looked extremely tired. He hated to admit it but he was worried.

Did he really mean all those mean things he said to him?

Without thinking he walked over to Hoseok and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Ho-"

"If you're going to insult me, I'm all ears. If not, I don't want to hear it"

"I just..."

"I'm going to class"

Taehyung grabbed Hoseok's wrist. "I just wanted to ask if you were okay" he said. He mentally cringed when he held Hoseok's small fragile arm. He's never touched him this way before.

Hoseok looked him in the eye. "Absolutely."

"No you're not"


"Stop agreeing with everything I say"


Taehyung huffed and pulled Hoseok to the janitors closet. He pushed him inside and then locked it. "What's up with you all of a sudden? You're not being yourself. I still hate you but could you at least stop this act? Go back to mocking me"

"Why are you even talking to me? Don't you want me to die? If I was dead, you wouldn't be talking to me" Hoseok said dryly. Taehyung pushed him up against the wall and glared at him.

"Stop bringing that up!"

"You said it..."

"I take it back"

"I don't want your sympathy or your insincere apology. It's fake! This is all fake! If you really want me dead just kill me, Taehyung. Punch me or something. Make me feel alive"


"Go ahead. Hit me like you've been wanting to do all this time"

Taehyung raised his hand up to his face and Hoseok closed his eyes, preparing for a slap or a punch.

Unexpectedly, a soft hand touched his cheek making his eyes flutter open. He looked up at Taehyung and saw something different in his eyes. Something that wasn't hate. Perhaps it was sympathy?

"I don't want to be the cause of you killing yourself. Do you know how bad of a person that would make me?"

Hoseok was about to smile but remembered his plan and chuckled darkly. "Let's forget any of this happened once we go into that hallway"

"Forget it for what? I still hate you"

Hoseok nodded. "I'm glad" he told the younger before pushing his hand down and unlocking the door. "Let's keep it that way, okay?"

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