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It was a rainy day in Seoul and Taehyung couldn't help but feel gloomy. He felt lonely at home all alone. His mother was out working and his friends and boyfriend still had school so messaging them was not an option. His school recently created a "no cell phone use policy" and they were heavily enforcing it. Students were getting phone calls home and gpa reductions because of it.

Taehyung sighed heavily as he listened to the raindrops hitting the ground. Usually he enjoyed the sound of rain but at the moment it was making things worse, causing the setting to become even more melancholic. Taehyung expected to be enjoying his time off from school but little did he know that he'd miss seeing his boyfriend and having someone to talk to throughout the day.

"This break is not enjoyable at all" he thought to himself.


The loud sound of thunder startled the teen, almost causing him to drop his hot chocolate. Having enough of the unbearable silence, Taehyung stood up from his seat at the table and ran upstairs to his bedroom before plopping onto the bed, making sure that he didn't spill anything. He then grabbed the t.v remote from under his pillow and pressed the power button.

A Kdrama was the first thing that he saw.

"Dear, I've missed you so much! I'm so happy that you're home!" Exclaimed the woman with tears in her eyes. The man who was supposedly her husband held both of her hands and held them to his chest, a content expression on his face. "Honey, you're all I could think about while I was abroad. I longed to see your beautiful face each day while in China. I thought that we'd never see one another again but it seems as if fate has brought us together."

"Damn cheesy" Taehyung aloud before changing the channel only to see more romance but this time it was a yaoi anime. "Aish! What is up with all this lovey dovey stuff today?" he complained before shutting off the t.v. completely. Now Taehyung really missed his Hoseokie hyung. Seeing those couples made him really want to kiss his hyung whom he hasn't seen in days.

He decided that he would surprise him and pick him up from school.


"Woah Hoseok hyung, why the long face? Missing your lover?" Jimin asked as he packed up his things for his next class. Hoseok hummed and looked down at his art that he just made. It was a watercolor painting of Taehyung's earring that he still hasn't given back. Everything else on the paper consisted of random scribbles and 'taehyungie <3' everywhere. Jimin has never seen someone become that sad over not seeing their boyfriend for two days.

"You're whipped" he teased. Hoseok fully turned toward the younger and gave him a cheeky smile before replying with "I guess I am." This caused Jimin to raise a brow. "Did the principal drug you and Taehyung? You guys have both been acting weird ever since Tae's suspension" He said jokingly. Hoseok laughed before closing his locker and walking down the hall to his next class. "Taehyung is my drug~"

"Yuck" Jimin once again teased as he stuck his tongue out at his hyung. Hoseok blushed a little at his own words but nevertheless chuckled. There was a comfortable silence between the two comrades as they walked down the hall together. Hoseok's class was on the first floor while Jimin's was on the second so the elder was the first to get to class. "Bye bye hyung!" Jimin said while waving to his hyung. "Later Jimin!" Hoseok exclaimed before walking into the classroom.

Once Hoseok was fully inside of the classroom Jimin let out a sigh then continued to make his way to the second floor. While walking he thought about how happy his best friend was. Taehyung had a boyfriend who loved him dearly.

Jimin longed for someone who would take care of him and miss him when he wasn't around. He couldn't even remember ever being in a serious relationship with anyone. Even if he wouldn't admit it, Jimin felt a bit jealous of Taehyung and Hoseok's relationship. Seeing them so happy made him feel a bit sad.

Jimin was still unsure of his feelings toward Yoongi and Jungkook. After days of thinking over it he soon realized that his feelings for them weren't as strong as he thought they were. It seemed as if he was just excited to have attractive male friends other than Tae and Hobi. It turned out that they were just crushes that he had but not too serious? This however made him a bit disappointed.

Jimin stopped walking and looked down at his hands that he unconsciously clenched into fists.

"I can't believe that I'm still not over you..."


"Hyung! Hobi hyung!"

Hoseok looked to his left and saw the one and only Kim Taehyung waiting outside the school for him, a beige colored umbrella over his head. He motioned for the elder to come over to him. Once Hoseok was under the umbrella, Taehyung pecked his cheek.

"How was school?" he asked his adorable boyfriend.

Hoseok seemed to be deep in thought before saying "It was okay but it was also a bit lousy since you weren't there. I'm missing my daily dose of your teasing." Hoseok's statement caused Taehyung to let out a genuine laugh. He pinched Hoseok's cheek with his free hand and make cooing sounds. "Hyuuuuung~ come over to my house so that I can tease you even more~"

"Sorry Tae. I didn't know that you were going to pick me up so I let my driver bring me home today." Hoseok pointed to the black car. "Well... if you don't mind we can go to my house. My maid Jiwon is a bit annoying and my parents are extremely nosy but I promise that it isn't that bad"




Taehyung groaned and repeatedly objected but Hoseok's pleading and pouting eventually made him give in. The thing is, he has been to Hoseok's house but never necessarily met his parents. Taehyung began stressing because he wasn't sure if Hoseok's parents would like him.

What if Hoseok told them about his violent nature? What if they knew all the bad things that he did to their son? Surely he would not be accepted.

"Fine, fine. I'll go to the royal Jung residence. Happy?" Taehyung said sarcastically. Hoseok pursed his lips but still nodded. "I'm very happy. I'm sure that my parents are gonna love you!"

"Doubt it. I'm freaking suspended for crying out loud. They'll think I'm a delinquent!"

"Pffft did you really think you weren't one?"


"Sorry, sorry. I couldn't help it."

After their short bickering session, Hoseok and Taehyung made their way to the Jung residence and Taehyung had a gut feeling that it would not end well.

"I'm so doomed."


Goodness, I felt so awkward writing this after not being on here for a while haha. I really hope that this chapter was somewhat enjoyable since I'm a bit rusty. The next one definitely won't be as boring. Also, I'm really sorry for making you guys wait so freaking long for an update. I missed all of you a bunch <3 Hopefully I'll be back permanently!

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