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Taehyung put shampoo into his hand and put it into Hoseok's hair. Let's just say that once his hand made contact with his hair he was surprised. He literally flinched from how soft it was. He was afraid that he'd mess it up.

"On second thought, maybe you should wash it-"

"No! I-I mean, you already have shampoo all over your hands. You might as well finish what you started"

That did make sense.

Taehyung proceeded to washing his hair that was extremely soft and fluffy. Once he finished, he dried it and brought Hoseok into his room.

"So here is the gaming temple. As you can see, Jimin and I have put much effort into making this. I spent about thirty two of my allowances on it." Hoseok's eyes widened. He has never in his life saw someone with so many video games that they took up a whole bookshelf. It was really amusing.

"So I'm going to assume that you're a hardcore gamer"

"Well not hardcore. I prefer extremely devoted"

"It's the same thing to me"

They both laughed. Yes, the two of them shared laughter for the first time. Taehyung was starting to see that Hoseok wasn't all that bad. He was really nice and very friendly.

"So... do you want me to go get the heating pad now?" Taehyung asked. Hoseok shook his head. "No, it's fine. I feel a lot better now." The two stood in an awkward silence until Taehyung got an idea. "After I finish my homework we could play something together. Would you like to?" Hoseok was hesitant about agreeing but he did in the end.

"That would be nice but I'm not exactly familiar with how this stuff works. My dad and I usually play a lot of chess and that's about it"

Taehyung snickered. "You must have a pretty boring life. With all the money you have you could be living life to the fullest" he said, not thinking about how Hoseok may feel about that. Hoseok knew that he had a boring life but it sounded even worse coming from someone else.

Hoseok looked down, avoiding any eye contact with him. "I'm not rich. My parents are the ones with money, not me. Please stop saying that."

Taehyung raised an eyebrow at him. "Oh please. Don't try to act modest now. You know that you love all the attention people give you and love how everyone treats you like a prince."

Hoseok frowned and began walking out of the room. "I'm going home."

"Wait Hoseok"

Taehyung grabbed his wrist causing Hoseok to wince in pain. The younger quickly let go of it and examined his wrist. When he looked at it, it was bruised and swollen. "Oh gosh I'm so sorry. I didn't know that you were hurt" he apologized.

Hoseok pulled it away. "It's fine. I fell on it when I was pushed down. Just let me go home" he said. He waved at Taehyung and started walking downstairs.

"Where are you going?" Jimin asked when he saw him coming down the stairs. "Home" Hoseok said dryly. He bowed and left the Kim residence.

"I better call Seokjin before he worries"


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