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Taehyung was walking upstairs to eat his lunch with Jimin when he ran into Hoseok in the stairwell. Because he hit him with such force, his boxed lunch fell onto the floor and splattered all over.

"I-I'm sorry" Hoseok stammered out. Taehyung sighed loudly, leaning on the railing. "It's fine. It didn't taste that good anyway" he told the latter. Hoseok smiled sadly and fidgeted with his fingers before saying:

"I can buy you another lunch."

Taehyung glared at him hatefully once he said that. "Listen up, Hoseok. I don't want anything from you and I don't need anything from you. What part of that do you not understand?! You think you're so superior and want to show everyone how much money you have, right? Well I don't care about what you have!"

Hoseok smiled at the words that left his mouth. "I agree" he stated blandly. "But are you sure? You won't be able to focus very well on an empty stomach."

"Yes I'm sure" the younger said stubbornly. He walked right pass him and continued to make his way upstairs.

Once he was gone, Hoseok smiled even wider. "Keep the insults coming."


"Why would you say that to him? He was trying to be nice to you. You're such an idiot" Jimin scolded. Taehyung groaned and leaned over to take a bite out of his sandwich.


"I'm starving"

"That's why you should've-"

"Just drop it"

Jimin sighed and just handed him his sandwich. "My mom gave me two."


Hoseok was sulking as he put his books into his locker. "Hoseok!" A familiar voice shouted. Hoseok quickly regained himself and stood up straight with a smile. "Hello Seokjin hyung" he greeted once his friend came over to him.

"I told you to call me Jin"

"Right. I apologize, Jin"

"Anyway, when do you want to start the project?"

"Tomorrow if that's okay with you"

"Okay. We'll start tomorrow at your house. I just moved so mine is not quite presentable yet. Boxes are everywhere"

"U-um okay"

"Well I'll see you tomorrow, Hoseok." Jin hugged him before leaving the school.


"I cannot stand that stupid Hoseok. Stupid stupid stupid. Who does he think he is? I just want to..."

Jimin has had enough of Taehyung's ranting. "Shut up about Hoseok you fucking tsundere!" Taehyung gasped.

"You did not just call me a tsundere"

"I sure as hell did"

Taehyung stared at Jimin angrily for a few seconds before tackling him. "I will never ever like Hoseok. That's just disgusting" he yelled. Jimin tried to pry the younger off of him.

"Get off! You're heavy"



"Fair enough"

Taehyung got off him and walked into the kitchen. "Oh no. Don't tell me you're gonna stress eat" Jimin said as he trailed behind him. Taehyung took a plate of cookies out of the fridge and began eating them. "This is your fault, Jiminie."

"I didn't do anything"

"You said that I liked...him"

"You say it like he's some kind of nuisance"

"He is"

"Hoseok deserves an apology. He didn't do anything to you. It's like you hate him for just existing"

"Maybe I do"

"That's a real douche thing to say"

Jimin stole a cookie from his plate and took a bite. "You shoo gif Hosock a chansh" he said. Taehyung looked at him weirdly. "I didn't get any of that" he chuckled. Jimin swallowed he remaining amount of cookie in his mouth before attempting to speak again.

"I said that you should give Hoseok a chance. He seems like a really nice guy. And if you call his smile stupid again, I won't hesitate to punch you. Jung Hoseok is a beautiful man you jealous alien"

"I'm not jealous"

"You are. Now, tomorrow you are going to go up to Hoseok and apologize. You have no choice because I will be watching from afar. If you fail, I'll tell him that you have a crush on him"

"That's blackmail"

"Oh well"


Hoseok was about to walk out of the school when Taehyung stopped him. "H-hi Hoseok. Um...I just wanted to say t-that I'm sorry for being mean t-to you"

"Um...thanks I guess?"

Taehyung quickly glanced at Jimin and he gave him a thumbs up. "Yeah. So I don't hate you. I'm just..harsh." There was an awkward tension in the air until Hoseok finally spoke.

"You don't have to lie" he said with a smile. "You hate me and want me to die. I already know. I don't know why you came over here putting on a show trying to convince me otherwise because I already know the truth."

Taehyung groaned and grabbed him by the collar. "I didn't even want to do this in the first place! I don't owe an apology you! I honestly don't even know what people see in you. You're not special at all. You're just a stuck up jerk who thinks he's so much better than everyone else!!" he spat.

Hoseok gave him a cheeky smile.

"I love it when you speak to me with such informality. The way that you bring up all my imperfections and hatefully say my name makes me feel whole again"

Taehyung suddenly got the urge to slap him but he didn't. He just released him and ran off.

"Why didn't he hit me?" He asked himself. "And you can come out of hiding, Park Jimin."

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