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"Yay you came!" Hoseok cheered, jumping onto Taehyung and knocking him over in the process. The younger's back now hurt but he still gave Hoseok a warm smile. "Of course I would come to see my lovely Hobi hyung~" he cooed.

They both laughed then Hoseok helped him up off of the floor. "Sorry about making you land on your back. I'm just really happy" said the elder, his cheeks dusting with a pink color.

"We see each other everyday"

"I know. And that's why I'm happy everyday"

"Ahh stop being so cute hyung" Taehyung chuckled, poking the elder's nose. Hoseok giggled. "You know how graduation is coming soon, right?" the younger said enthusiastically. Hoseok sighed.

"Ugh don't remind me"

"Huh? Aren't you happy?"

"I guess"

Yep, you read that correctly. The two made it through the school year without killing each other. Shocking, isn't it? Since the day they got back together they've gotten along better than ever. Although, as they got closer to graduation Hoseok's been acting strange. Almost as if he was hiding something.

Whenever Taehyung would ask him about college he'd somehow dodge his question and change the subject. He just couldn't figure out why Hoseok never wanted to tell him his plans.

"Hyung, come on. Why won't you answer me. If you don't have any plans for college just say so. You don't have to be embarrassed about something like that"

Hoseok smiled as he gripped onto the hem of his shirt and began rocking back and forth on his heels. Taehyung could already tell that Hoseok was nervous. He tried to hide how he felt with a smile but Taehyung saw right through him.

"Spill it" the younger demanded.

Hoseok's smile faltered a bit before he looked down.

"I'm going to a University for music" he finally said. It was quiet for a while before Taehyung lifted him up and spun him around. "That's amazing, hyung! I'm so proud of you" he exclaimed. Hoseok only frowned. Taehyung just wasn't seeming to get it.

"Hyung, why are you so sad?"

"I figured that I'd end up having to tell you directly. Look, as you already know I major in music and dance. I won't get to see you much since I'm going to be doing tons of competitions and-"

"You're so silly Hobi. I already knew that" the younger chuckled which only made Hoseok more annoyed. He didn't think that Taehyung could be any more oblivious.

"That means no kisses or hugs for months. No CUDDLING. Are you not getting it??"

"Huh?? What kind of cruel world is this?!"

Hoseok giggled.

Taehyung ran a hand through Hoseok's hair and gave him a warm smile. "Just kidding, hyung. I understand that your life is going to be extremely busy after high school. No, I don't like the fact that you'll be away but I'm gonna be smiling everyday knowing that my baby boy is pursuing his dreams. You deserve nothing but happiness."

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