chapter ten

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"I still haven't learned your lesson, eren."


It has been 5 weeks since eren was last seen.
The police firstly suspected grisha, but they soon figured it was something, or should I say someone else.
A girl seems to have seen eren getting dragged into a white van, but she was to far away to actually help him. At first she didn't think it was kidnapping but then she saw it on the news.
She told her parents and they went to the police.
The police are now researching the area for a white van.

Eren felt himself getting crazier and crazier every day.
He has no one to talk to, except Levi who sometimes comes for a 2 minute talk or to bring him food.
He Walked around the room, biting on his nails. " is the police looking for me...will I be saved..?" He talked to himself, placed his hands on the wall and lowered his head. "I don't know.."

He peeked a glance at his plate, maybe it he threw it hard enough on the ground, levi will come..?
Eren had enough of staying here, he was going to teach Levi a lesson this time, and today, he will have his freedom.
Glancing around the room once more he picked up the plate, holding it for a few seconds and then he threw it on the ground.

"It didn't work..?"
*bonk* *bonk* *bonk* *kggggg* *click*
The light went off, eren smirked proudly. It worked.
He quickly sat down to make it look like he tripped or fell. The light went back on and instantly Levi walked to eren. He grabbed eren's chin to make him look at him. " what happened?! Are you hurt?!"

"I-I tripped....I'm sorry..don't hurt me again.." eren said as sad and innocent he could.
His ears turned red.
"It'a okay..I won't hurt you eren." He helped eren stand up and gave him a quick hug.
"I'll clean this up when you're asleep, tomorrow I'll bring you breakfast." "Not an apple" Levi quickly added after his sentence. Eren nodded while fake smiling at him.
Levi slid his hand into his pocket and was ready to click the button. Eren was faster, he tackled eren down using his tallernes.
Levi who was taken by surpise fell to the ground.

Eren grabbed levi's wrists and held them above his head, it wasn't easy keeping him down, he was strong, really strong.
Levi overmastered eren and pushed him off, he crawled ontop of eren and held him down. "Why won't you just be a good boy...I'm stronger eren, you will never beat me so just obey me..obey me, obey me, obey me ob-" eren interrupted him. " I'll beat you.."
He raised his leg and kicked Levi in the back of his head, now that Levi wasn't paying attention to eren's hands, he quickly pushed Levi off and was about to knock him out until the light went off.

Eren's eyes widened.
Levi was no way able to press the button In his pocket while being kicked.
This must mean......that there is someone else.

~to be continued~

This chapter took me a while to write, I kept writing things and then straight up deleted all of it😂
I like wrote this chapter 3 times
Anways. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!
Comments and votes will be appreciated❤

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