chapter thirteen

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In total 150 days (5 Months) have passed. By now the police already stopped searching for eren.
They figured he would either be dead, or he was taken to an other country.
But, eren is actually just a 10 minute walk away from his school.
Not that anyobody knows that ofcourse, exept 'they' know.

Levi was carrying a ladder. A girl looked at him." What are you doing?" She asked.
He stopped walking and looked at her. "He's been there long enough don't you think?"
Her eyes widened" you can't let him leave!!" He rolled his eyes. "Only for today."
She breathed out relieved. "Do you want him to meet all of us?" Levi nodded. "I'll call them, gosh..this is so exciting!" She left the dark room running.

Levi picked up the ladder and walked downstairs, to the basement.
He switched the light switch on with his free hand.
The basement lit up, it didn't look weird or creepy at all in the basement, it was actually cool and spaciousness.
Ofcourse that's what everyone would think, they wouldn't suspect them like this.

He placed the ladder down and moved a tiny closet.
Still no secret door or something, just plain old wallpaper.
He smirked to himself, he removed the easy to remove wallpaper. Still no secret door, just a plain old wall.
He kneeled down and pushed against the wall, it wasn't a wall, it was cut out so you could place it in, and out.
He grabbed the piece of wall  and put it down. He grabbed a flashlight that was laying on the ground and switched it on.

The flashlight lit up and now a small tunnel was seen,Levi pushed the ladder through it and heard it fall.
He crawled to the tunnel himself,then he jumped out and his feet landed on a few boxes. With no care he jumped of the boxes and he picked up the ladder.
"............Heh.." He smirked again, the excitement was seen in his eyes.
He pointed the flashlight to a wall, seeing the switch he switched it on. This room didn't lit up, the room eren was in did.

Then he pointed the flaslight to the ground, a green kind of rug was neatly placed in the middle of the room, he kicked it out of the way like he always did and then crouched down.
Now a small kind of door was soon, he opened it with the handle and let the ladder fall down. *Thunk!*

"Hah?!" Eren heard something fall and saw a ladder on the ground. "......." He looked up and saw a small doorway in the ceiling, it was open.
He never saw that before.
"Are you coming eren?" Levi said impatiently.
Eren swallowed, he stood up, picked the ladder up and placed it so that it could lean on the side of the doorway in the ceiling.
With doubts he climbed up the ladder.
Levi was awaiting for him in the room above and helped him up.

He picked the ladder up and pulled it out of the room, he held the ladder and looked at eren. "Lets go, I have a suprise for you." He closed the small door and placed the rug ontop of it.
Eren nodded a bit, he was wearing a big white shirt. The shirt used to be tight for him, now it just feels like he's wearing an extra large shirt.
Levi pointed the flashlight at eren's face. "Come on." Eren squinted his eyes and nodded again.

Levi gave eren the flashlight and grabbed his other hand, pulling him with him.
"Climb on the boxes and then climb trough tunnel." He pointed to the boxes and then to the tunnel.
Eren weakly climbed onto the boxes and used his remaining strength to pull himself up and crawled trough the tunnel.
Levi waited till he was out of the tunnel and then pushed the ladder through  and then went himself.

Eren had no idea what was going on, was levi setting him free?
He looked around the room he was in, it seemed to be a basement.
Levi pushed eren out of the way, he placed the ladder against the wall, picked up the piece of wall and glued it, then he put a small amount of glue on the wallpaper so it was easy to remove and he placed on the wall.
He pushed the closet in front of it and panted softly. He grabbed eren's wrist and walked with him up the stairs. Levi noticed how nervous and scared eren was. "Don't worry eren, I won't hurt you..if you listen to me that is.

~to be continued~
Eeeeeeeeeeyyy. This chapter is kinda long? It's not like really exciting or something..but I can't let there be drama every chapter😂
I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!
Comments and votes will be appreciated!❤

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