(3.5) The Wolf's Den

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"I confess, it's been a while since I've ridden in a car." Eden mused, changing the station on the radio so that it played something a little more upbeat. The current song had a depressing melody that was making Eden squirm; she had enough sadness in her head, she didn't need it on the radio as well.

"So you've been taking advantage of your newly acquired speed?" Klaus questioned, to which Eden gave a small nod. Looking around, Eden began to grow curious as to where it was exactly that Klaus was taking her as he made no word of it when he had her get in the car.

"Are we going to come across civilization any time soon?" The woman asked, not recognizing where exactly it was that they were headed. Klaus snorted, amused by the irony of her question. Seeing as her fiancee' had no plans to answer her, Eden sat back in the seat and waited until the car slowed down to see where exactly they were. Unfortunately for her, when her nose picked up on the overpowering smell of dog, she knew where they were. This was only confirmed when Klaus put the car in park and Hayley, Jana, Oliver, and many other members of the pack emerged from the trees.

"Why did you bring me here?" Eden snapped at Klaus. Once again the hybrid was silent, unlocking the door and getting out of the car before waiting for Eden to join him. When she did, he saw that the brunette was now glaring daggers at him as she slammed the car door so hard that the glass in the window shattered. He sighed in annoyance and Eden smirked in triumph as she faced the wolf pack, crossing her arms together.

"Eden, nice of you to finally make a trip down here." Hayley spoke up, stepping forward. Eden scowled, glancing back at Klaus.

"It's not exactly like I had a choice Hayley. Though I'm surprised that you went through Niklaus in order to get me here." Jana raised a hand.

"Actually, it was me who got Klaus to bring you here." Eden groaned.

"And there goes my surprise." She muttered darkly, turning to go back toward the car when Jana stopped her.

"Eden seriously, please just stay and listen to what Hayley has to say-" Jana started.

"I don't care!" Eden yelled suddenly, taking the pack by surprise. At the rise in her voice, Hayley stepped forward once more.

"Look Eden, I get that you're pissed off at your cousin and I for hiding the fact that you're a wolf. But I also know that you're lying by saying that you aren't curious about who you really are and where you really come from." Eden hesitated, and then shook her head.

"It doesn't even matter now Hayley, the two of you had your chance to tell me, and you both hid it from me. If I never killed that witch then I would still never even know that I was a wolf." She turned to Jana.

"Do you know how dangerous that could have been for me if the first person I killed was one of those Guerrera wolves? I could have died that night." Jana winced at the thought and Klaus frowned as well.

"We weren't going to let it go on much longer, Eden." Hayley spoke. "We tried to tell you. That night, at the plantation. We brought you over because we thought it was the right time but then Rebekah and Klaus Mikaelson were taken and after that, everything began to move so quickly.

"I can tell you everything Eden. I can tell you anything and everything you need to know about the side of you that is werewolf. I can teach you to control yourself during the moon and I can show you the power that comes along with it." Hayley continued when she saw that Eden had not made her way to the car. Eden hesitated, biting her lip in debate.

On the one hand, Eden was still royally pissed for Hayley and Jana keeping things a secret from her and no she didn't actually see herself getting over that anytime soon because like she told them, it was dangerous for them to keep that side from her knowing that at any moment she could accidentally kill someone and experience the change. Though on the other hand, Eden would be lying if she said that she wasn't utterly curious about who her family was and where she had come from. Not to mention which side of the family she had inherited her werewolf gene and why the had not told her or Stiles.

"I think I'll take my chances learning on my own, yeah?" Eden finally said after a long silence, turning her back to the girls and making her way back towards the car so that she could go home. If Klaus did not take her home then she would run home, but either way she was getting out of here.

"Eden!" Hayley's voice snapped and some deeper, primal part made the hybrid flinch, hesitating in her movement as she froze in her spot. Klaus caught the movement and looked between Hayley and Eden, putting the pieces together slowly.

"If you aren't going to do this for yourself, then you need to do this for your brother, Stiles. He deserves to know what he's getting into." Eden spun around, her eyes glowing golden at the mention of her brother.

"He's never going to be a werewolf." She growled out. Oliver stepped up, flanking his Queen as he saw Eden's eyes changing. Hayley waved him off, clearly unfazed by Eden's unspoken threat.

"And how can you guarantee that? Are you going to watch every move he makes for the next sixty years of his life?"  As much as Eden did not care to admit it, Hayley was right in saying that watching over Stiles for the rest of his life was impossible. She had a daughter to take care of, and as much as Eden liked to think she could always take care of both of them, she knew that she could not. Eventually, her daughter would come back to her and she knew very well that she didn't want her daughter having to grow up travelling around the country on the whim of her uncle. So finally, Eden breathed a sigh of defeat.

"Fine. I'll go with you." Eden snapped, annoyed that the wolf looked so triumphant. Jana smiled, but turned to Klaus abruptly.

"They're gonna need a moment to themselves. I need to talk to you." Eden gave her cousin a skeptic look, but did not question her intentions as she walked over to Hayley.

"I'm yours, you have ten minutes." She said stonily. Hayley gave her a business-like nod and jerked her head to the side, signalling Eden to follow her. Reluctantly, the younger brunette followed the werewolf deeper into the bayou and away from everyone else.

The first five or so minutes was filled with a tense silence that neither Eden nor Hayley were all that eager to break. If Hayley were being honest, she didn't know how to approach the situation with Eden. As stated earlier, the hybrid was rightfully upset, but Oliver made a point when he said that the Guerrera's were at least taking care of their pack.

"So," Hayley started when she knew that she could hold the silence no longer. "This may sound strange..." She trailed off slowly, and Eden glanced at her briefly, getting a clear view of the uncertainty in the pack leader's face.

"Look Hayley, if you were going to drag out to the bayou just to-"

"Have you ever noticed any weird mark, or symbol on the back of your body?" Hayley spoke over her. Eden shut her mouth, raising an eyebrow curiously before shrugging.

"I don't know Hayley, not to my knowledge. Why?" The young Latina asked her. The wolf beside her bit her lip in thought. She had been so caught up in trying to get Eden out to the bayou that she had no idea what to even say to her now that she was.

"There's never been anything there at all? On you or your brother?" Hayley inquired further.

"Nothing there besides a tattoo. And as far as I'm aware, there's never been anything on Stiles either, though I can't say for sure as I didn't spend the short time I saw him staring at his back." Eden snipped quietly. Hayley made a small humming noise.

"Jana told me vampirism made you more snarky but I didn't think that it would turn you back into a sixteen year old girl again." Eden rolled her eyes, scowling.

"Maybe it isn't the vampirism that's turned me this rude, maybe its the lycanthropy." She said casually. Hayley snorted, shaking her head before the two settled into another quiet silence.

"Why are you asking us about scars on our backs?" Eden asked quietly. Once again, Eden sensed the hesitation in Hayley. Sighing finally, Hayley stopped in her tracks which in turn caused the other girl to stop with her.

"Well, its just that every member of the Lebonair pack has the mark on their shoulder blade." Eden raised an eyebrow.

"Lebonair?" She repeated. Hayley nodded, pushing a lock of chestnut hair behind her ear.

"It's the marking of my pack."

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