(3.6) Lineage

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For a moment, Eden was not entirely sure what Hayley was getting at. She thought that maybe Hayley was saying that every wolf had a small making on their shoulder blade, but then dispelled the thought when she realized that neither Klaus nor her baby held any such marking and they were both wolf. Then she thought maybe she meant that every member of Hayley's pack must have this marking but then realized that was also impossible as it would make every member of Hayley's pack related.

"I'm sorry but I feel like I'm not understanding you right?" Eden told her, her voice raising an octave so that it sounded like a question. Hayley closed her eyes, scratching her head lightly before letting out a breath and looking at Eden evenly.

"Okay, so I'm not the best at explaining things. Let that be noted." She mumbled, though Eden assumed it was more to herself than it was towards her.

"Let's try this again," Hayley began. "So it's not a marking of my pack, so much as it is a marking of my family." Eden raised an eyebrow in curiosity.

"Are you talking about that little moon symbol on your back?" The girl asked and Hayley nodded.

"Okay so what does the marking of your family have to do with me, or Stiles for that matter?" Eden asked and the wolf in front of her rubbed the back of her neck nervously before sighing she began walking again and Eden followed behind her.

"As you haven't been down to the bayou then I don't expect you to know the story of my pack. So I guess I'll tell you what I can understand." She cleared her throat and looked over at the Mississippi River that looked so peaceful in comparison to the mess that the city was in.

"A long time ago, this pack was much bigger than it is now. But some time ago they split up for a reason that no one is sure of yet." Hayley started.

"Yet?" Eden questioned and Hayley nodded.

"Jana and I have been trying to figured out what the reason of the split was, but it was such a long time ago and obviously none of the people who were alive then are alive now so it's mostly speculation. We really theorize that it had something to do with a falling out with the Elders but we have no way to be sure." Eden nodded, taking the information in as Hayley continued on.

"Well when they split, they obviously had to have new Alphas with each tribe and for the most part, all of them stayed in the same general area." Eden raised an eyebrow.

"For the most part?" She questioned.

"The youngest Elder, a new Alpha, he roamed further away than any of the other tribes did. I'm guessing it must have been out of either paranoia or the fact that he may have been the one who initiated the fight. Either way, he travelled the furthest than all the other tribes did." Hayley cleared up

"Well where did he lead his pack to?" Eden asked. At the question, Eden heard Haley's heart pick up slightly so that it was beating faster than her already fast werewolf heartbeat. Making the hybrid grow suspicious, Eden waited while Hayley took a breath.

"It took his pack two years to settle into what is now known as present day Romania. They travelled up through present day Canada and used the land bridge to cross over into Russia and from there they just kept going." Hayley told her and Eden listened again, hearing her heart beat pick up once more.

"Hayley what is it that you aren't telling me?" Eden demanded to know after she saw that Hayley was not planning on opening up about what she needed to. Clearly Hayley felt that this story had some relevance to her and her brother so Eden wanted to know why it was so hard for the wolf to just spit it out.

"Well clearly, over the years the tribe mated within themselves as much as they could before mixing their blood in with the locals of that area. Over the years, the wolf transformations have become less and less occurrent. The last sighting of a wolf in the Romania area was in 1913. There hasn't been a sighting there since." Something about the date was hauntingly familiar to Eden; it was definitely a date that she'd heard at some point in her life and now it was like her new hybrid brain was struggling to dig through her human memories to conjure up where she'd heard it before.

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