47. Rain

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She stares out at the river, the rain is falling hard and she's not sure if she's crying or if it's the rain.

"You should go inside before you get sick," a familiar voice startles her.


"I won't," she replies.

"Fine," she hears him say, "it's your choice. What are you even doing out in the rain?"

"Nothing," she replies, "what are you doing in the rain."

"I like the rain," he says, "what about you?"

"I prefer the snow," she says, memories of having fun in the snow floods her brain.

"I hate the snow," Izuna says.

She wants to pinch Izuna's face because of that remark. "Why?"

"'Cause I hate the cold."

She laughs, "I never knew someone as cold as you could hate the cold. You really do learn something new everyday."

"Me. Cold," he places a hand over his heart, "Sakura you wound me."

She laughs, she can't recall having been this happy since Gaara's death a few days ago.

Sure Izuna may be cold, but he had a way of doing things that made her laugh and smile.

She begins to remember the day they spent together when the paparazzi had chased her. Izuna had take. Her to places she's never been to and even if he didn't say much and didn't make any expressions much, she still had a lot of fun.

She watches as Izuna lies down on the wet grass and closes his eyes, most likely relishing the feeling of the rain on his face.

Without her realizing it a small smile makes it's way onto her face.

"Why the hell is this happening to me?"

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