remake ?

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guyssss!!!!!! i missed writing stuff in here. act nope but i just missed how excited and eager i was to see you guys waiting for the next update.good old times lol

act ive been reading this book,reading your comments.well im very proud to see that my book is getting a lot of love even how crappy it was hahaha.thank you guys so much for all the love you guys giving me to this book which it ignites the flame in me to write more books for you guys.

ok so the real deal is,ive seen how everyone is asking what happend to jungkook with his suddenly lost memory and stuff.tbh,i act didnt think a lot when i wrote all of this,the consequences and everything so thats why im thinking to remake this book.

but im still keeping this one.just adjusting the whole plot and stuff.i dont want to edit this one since maybe it will disturb for those who are reading this book..

so should i make a remake of this book ?

pls give me opinions and support for the other books! thanks for reading this and i love you guys so muchh for everything ♡

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