Chapter Three *Edited*

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                After spending all day at the lake, we went to a giant bonfire some people were throwing at their lakeside house.  We were hot and slightly sweaty, but other than that we were excited and I made Alec pinkie promise (he put up a huge fight about it, saying they made no sense, but nonetheless promised) beforehand to not drink.  He agreed and we went our separate ways, agreeing to meet at the truck at midnight so we wouldn't get home too late.  

                 With the promise of a few hours to myself, I mingled with a lot of the folks that were gathered around the firepit.  I hadn't seen Alec in a while, but I wasn't too worried.  Instead, I focused on flirting back with the guys I was standing next to, specifically a tall drink of water named Cole.

              "Hey, Anna, mind if I steal you away from your boyfriends?" Mitch asked as he walked up to us.  I scowled.  What on earth was he doing here?  

               "Not interested," I said and turned back to my conversation with Cole.  

            "I just wanted to apologize," he managed, his eyes fixing on the spot where Cole had placed his hand on the small of my back as we chatted.

            "Well, this I have to hear.  I'll be right back, guys."  I said and moved to go after Mitch, Cole's hands trailing across my skin as I walked away.  I turned back to look at him, "I'll definitely be right back," and winked.  

              "Listen, I'm sorry about this morning.  I was a complete ass.  I was really tired after working the night shift, but that isn't an excuse.  I'm really sorry, Anna.  I know that Alec hates me, but I wanted you to know that I'm not always a complete jerk; at least, I didn't use to be.  I get it if you hate me too, but I just wanted you to know."  I gave a reluctant smile, he seemed genuine enough.

               "It's...okay.  I'm not going to hold this above your head.  I was running low on sleep too, and I'll admit I definitely snapped."  We walked in silence for a moment, the only sounds coming from the laughter and chit-chat of those behind us, as well as the rustle of the sand beneath our feet.  

              "Mitch, what happened between you and my brother?  I don't remember you ever coming over to our house, or Alec ever mentioning you.  So spill it," I said.  He looked around and saw nobody was close, shifting from foot to foot.  I raised an eyebrow, waiting for him to say something, anything.  

               "We...we got into a big fight at the beginning of last year.  He was drunk and came at me and we both ended up getting fighting tickets.  He wasn't happy and blamed me for everything.  He told people awful things, and it wasn't pretty.  I moved away for a little while after to live with my dad, just hoping that people would forget about everything."

               "Wow," I managed.  "Um, can I ask what the fight was over?"

                "It was all over a girl.  It was dumb, and not remotely worth it.  It caused a lot more harm than any of it was worth.  Alec and I were good buddies, up until that point."  He shuffled along, not meeting my eyes.  I felt sorry for this poor kid, who was forced to uproot from his school, move to God knows where, all because my brother couldn't keep his mouth shut.  

                 "I'm really sorry," I managed.  I wished that I could fix the damage my brother caused to people, but the reality was that he had hurt too many people to count.  He wasn't...the best person, but he was still my brother.  I wouldn't excuse him, but I still stood by him to support him.  

              "Don't," Mitch said.  "It's got nothing to do with you.  Don't be sorry."  I nodded and we circled back to the fire, but before we could reach it, Alec appeared over the hill of sand, not at all walking in a straight line.  I watched as he tripped over a plant, sending the bottle that was in his hand flying.  Stumbling to get up, Alec locked eyes with me and smiled.  

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