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  • Dedicated to My amazing cousin Mikaela! Love you girl!!!

A/N: Okay......this is it.....I'm really happy to have accomplished this book, but at the same time I've grown really attached to them.  I feel terrible for what I'm about to do to you guys, but I hope you will forgive me in the next book.  Speaking of, I won't be starting the next book for a couple weeks, maybe two or three.  I want to get a head start on it and I want to also spend some quality time with Sing It.  It's no secret that The Summer Affair is my favorite little baby, but I need to spend time with my other children. 

Okay, I'm sorry.  I know I'm rambling but I'm nervous to click that little button that says "Completed."  I will also be editing this story before moving on to the next one.  I just hope that you people won't hate me enough to not find out what happens next in the story.  :)

Without further ado.....here it is!!! 


Alec was…a mess, to say the least.  I know I was, too.  But seeing Anna like that, broken and bleeding, was enough to make him lost it.  He ran for her.  I knew that they needed room.  I over heard them say that they had already restarted her heart three times.  Three times, Anna had met death and spat straight in its face.  I was proud that she was hanging in there, but as I listened I heard them say that she had no pulse right then.  That girl in front of me was dead.  That girl in front of me was the girl I loved. 

Alec ran towards her.  I tried to grab him, but he pushed through.  He was trying to be there for her, but he didn’t realize he would just get in the way.  Luckily for everyone, Carl grabbed him and moved away.  They went and sat in the corner, and I could see the tears running down his face.  Alec loved Anna, and he would gladly take her place right now.  He was a better brother than he gave himself credit for, but right then he was bawling like a baby.  Peter walked in just then, his face pale. 

“I saw the crash,” he croaked out.  “Is she alright?”  I shook my head no.

“They can’t get her heart to stabilize.  They’ve already shocked her back three times.  She was gone when they wheeled her in.  You just missed her.”  I was surprised how calm I sounded.  Peter looked panicked. 

“Dear God.  How is Alec taking this?”  I looked over at him in the corner from where I stood. 

“He isn’t.”  Alec looked up at me and I saw how red and bloodshot and puffy his eyes were.  His cheeks were wet and Carl was sitting next to him, crying himself.  Alec just lowered his head again.  Emma walked in then, and over to me.

“What happened to her?” She demanded.

“They’re trying to restart her heart again now.”

“Again?”  Her eyes bulged. 

“This is the fourth time.  If Anna survives this it will be a miracle,” I stated bluntly.  I wasn’t going to sugar coat shit while Anna was struggling to live.  Emma gasped and looked over at Alec.

“Did he see her?”

“They brought her in.  Wheeled right in front of him.  He lost it.”

“I can’t imagine why,” she muttered as she made her way over to him.  She knelt in front of him and cupped his face with her hands.  I watched as she murmured something to him and he nodded.  He stood suddenly, bringing her with him and he squeezed her tight in an embrace. 

“She’s going to make it through this,” Peter said as he put a hand on my shoulder. 

“She has to,” I answered.  Peter nodded and we went to sit down.

All at once, people starting piling in, all friends of one of us.  The entire waiting room was filled with teens.  Mitch was nowhere to be seen, which was probably a good thing.  Alec would go ape-shit on him if he was here.  

“You hungry?” Peter asked suddenly.  He was eyeing the snack dispenser across the room.

“No.  Go get something.”  He jumped up and went and got a bag of snack food.  I couldn’t care enough to see what it was.  When he was back and seated, I got out my phone and played Angry Birds, trying to do something to distract me from where I was and what I was here for.  Time passed, and soon it was midnight.  A doctor finally walked through the door and everyone looked at him.  He looked down at a clipboard. 

“Anna Collins?” he asked.  Everyone in the waiting room stood up.  “Family only,” he added.  Everyone except for me, Alec, Carl, and Emma sat down.  I wasn’t family, but I was close enough.  I walked over to Alec and Emma and waited for what the doctor had to say. 

“I’m Anna’s brother.  This is my girlfriend Emma, and my friend Jordan,” Alec mumbled while he reached out and shook the doc’s hand.  “This is our family friend Carl.”

“Pleasure to meet you, I’m Doctor Traven, although I wish it was under better circumstances.”  I froze along with everybody else.  “I’m sure you are wondering about Anna.  And maybe it would be best if we sat down while I delivered this news.”  I prepared for the worst, and Emma gently led a green looking Alec over to a chair. 

“Doc, what is it?  What’s going on with my sister?” Alec urged. 

“Alec, I’m going to state it as gently as I can.”

“Just spit it out, Doc,” I growled.  Emma glared at me. 

“Jordan,” she hissed. 

“It’s alright, miss, you’re all under a lot of stress.  I’m going to be blunt then, Alec.  I have some bad news.”


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