Chapter Twenty Nine

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A/N: Make sure you listen to the video as you read really gives the story another element.  And I give you complete and total permission to light up my comments with bad things to say.  :)

I was numb.  That wasn’t true.  Alec was making this up.  Jordan told me what happened.  This isn’t true.  It couldn’t be.  Could it?  No, my heart shouted at me.  Mitch would never do anything like that.  He’s a good person.  Then why was my gut telling me to face it?  I turned to look at Mitch.  He was staring at Alec with a look of pure hatred on his face. 

“Mitch, Alec’s not…he’s lying…you wouldn’t ever…I mean, you didn’t do what he’s saying you did, right?”  Mitch closed his eyes tightly and turned to me, opening them slowly.  His mouth was pulled into a grimace and his eyes were filled with sorrow and guilt.  He reached out and grabbed my arm.

“Anna,” I jerked my arm back, my eyes filling with tears.  Horror washed over me and I looked at him square in the eyes.  Those hazel eyes that I loved so much that were filled with so much emotion. 

It’s funny how love can turn to hate just like that. 

“Don’t touch me.  Don’t come near me.  I never want you to call me, text me, or try and come see me again.  You brought this on yourself.  You kept this secret from me.  You chose not to tell me.  You killed Olivia.  You killed my best friend.  So as far as I can see it, you are responsible for everything bad that’s happened in my life since then.”  I said every word slowly and worked hard to make every syllable void of any and all emotion.  I could see the pain burning in his eyes.  I could see how his heart shattered with every passing second.  This was his problem now, not mine.  I was done.  Completely and totally done. 

“Please, Anna, I’m sorry!  I was young and stupid!  You know how much you mean to me, you know I wouldn’t do anything to hurt you!  You know me, Anna!”  I grabbed Alec’s keys out of his pocket and turned back to give Mitch a cold, hard stare.

“No, Mitch.  I don’t know you.”  I walked out of the empty theatre and towards the exist.  I pushed through crowds of people, tears steadily falling down my face.  I didn’t care anymore.  IT wasn’t until someone stepped in front of me that I stopped.  I looked up through my tears into the blurry face of Peter. 

“Anna, what happened?  Why are you crying?”  I looked at him square in the face and could only utter out a whisper. 

“He killed her.” 

I pushed past his shocked face and got lost in the crowd.  Eventually I ended up outside and pressed the panic button of Alec’s truck keys.  I heard the alarm going off a few rows in front of me.  I started walking towards it and unlocked the truck.  I got in and started the engine, locking the doors.  A string of sobs wracked my chest and I laid my head on the steering wheel.  I shook my head and shifted into first.  I pulled out and drove towards the house at full speed, not giving a second thought to getting into a crash. 


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