Chapter Fifteen

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“Anna, please don’t do this.”  Mitch was not only pleading with his words but his eyes.  I couldn’t stand it and looked away.

We were outside of Starbucks, and I could see Jordan inside.  He was looking at me with a raised eyebrow.  Mitch wasn’t keen on this idea at all.

“Please, please, please, Anna, don’t.  We can just go now, and then the only thing that will happen is he will tell Alec.”

“I’ll talk to you later, okay?  Go home and try to relax,” I said.  He scoffed.

“I’m not leaving.  Who knows what that creep would do,” he frowned. 

“Alright.  Can you give me a ride home?”

“Wouldn’t have it any other way.”  I smiled at him and grabbed his hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze.   

“I will be fine,” I said again.  “He wouldn’t dare do anything to me.”

“I hope you’re right,” he said as he eyed Jordan.  I leaned in and kissed his cheek.  It was only after I leaned back that I saw that Jordan wasn’t at the window seat anymore.  I shrugged to myself and walked inside.

“Are you two all good?” Jordan asked as he stepped out of a shadow and placed a guiding hand on my back.  I about jumped about ten feet into the air.

“Jordan!  Dear God, I’ve told you time and time again not to do that!  It’s creepy how you just blend in with the shadows and whatnot,” I said as I walked over to the window seat he was sitting in originally, only to have him grab my hand and drag me towards the other side of the café. 

“We’re sitting over here because I don’t want your boyfriend watching us the entire time.  It freaks me out.”  I rolled my eyes and shot a pleading glance at Mitch over my shoulder, only to see his knuckles whiten around the steering wheel.

“Whatever,” I said and sat down.  “So what is this all about?”

“Don’t pull that crap with me.  You know exactly what this is about.  This is about me telling you that I did not have anything to do with Olivia’s death.  Not in any way, shape, or form.”  I sat there, pulling out my poker face so that he didn’t see the conflicting emotions I was feeling pass across my face.

“So tell me who did it then, Jordan.  You were one of the only ones that had that type of vehicle.”

“But I wasn’t the only one,” Jordan pointed out.  “Let me explain what I was doing and where that night.”  I nodded and he did so.  “The night before the accident I was at a really big pool party, and not the kind with the water, the pool with a stick.  I had quite a bill going on that night, and I was desperately trying to win that one game.  I was either going to have to give up my car or my college fund.  You can guess which one I chose.

The night afterwards was the night of the crash.  The person had taken my car and was drunk when they hit Olivia.  My dad didn’t care, being my dad.  But I wasn’t held responsible for it.  I got off free while they couldn’t find the person who actually had done the crime.  I couldn’t tell them who I had handed my car over.  I told them I was drunk and then got a ticket for underage drinking.  That was the extent of my issues.”  I was leaning forward in my seat, over the table, waiting for Jordan to say a name. 

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