The First Dinner

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I opened my new bedroom door. It was plain but I liked it. The walls were white and the floor dark wood planks. There was a victorian metal bed with a perfectly made mattress and burgundy bedding on top. Next to it was an old bedside table with an old clock on, there was a wardrobe opposite the bed. It was a nice size room, not too big and not to small. There was one large window with a empty vase on its window sill. It had deep red curtains to match the bedding.

I put my bags down and started to unpack. I had less stuff than I realised. I'd left in a rush so I could only grab a few things, which included a pair of short shorts and a crop top which I would not be allowed to wear. There was my favourite burgundy lacey midi dress with a black belt, a dark red knitted jumper and black dungarees. I also had a bikini for some reason. It must be in my bag from where my old loop went to the beach. Let's hope the clothes in the attic are nice. I put what I had away and my vinyls under my bed. At the bottom of my bag was the box of things that I took from my mum's home. It was my dad's suicide note it me, a picture of me, my dad and mum and my mum's gold necklace that was here mum's. I hid it in the back of my wardrobe.

I went up the stairs to the attic. It was large and full of miscellaneous objects, furniture and a few box's of clothes. I looked around. There was a desk that I'd like to have but I had no idea how I'd get it to my room. There was so much up there; chairs, bookcases and tables. All the furniture seemed to be in one area. Right against the wall there was a sheet covering something. I walked over to investigate. I pulled of the sheet. Jackpot. It was a vinyl player and an acoustic guitar. Yes! I knew I could get the guitar to my room but I'd need 10 men to get the vinyl player and desk there.

I decided to look at the clothes. There were about 6 medium box's, 3 labled boys and 3 labled girls. I start to dig through them. It was mainly putrid dresses and blouses but there was a few things that looked like they're fit me and I liked. There was a black cardigan, red and black dotted dress with a tie up waste, a white dress with a stitched red rose on, a black dress covered in red flowers and I found posh dress which was a lovely shade of burgundy that got longer at the back. I tried to keep my signature dark red in the clothes.

"Stay the hell out of my room Jake!" Shouted Enoch. I heard two doors slam. I picked up the guitar a clothes and went down to my room. I put the guitar in the corner leaning against the wall.

I slumped next to it. I've really fucked this one up. Everyone I've had a conversation with has shouted at me or I've shouted at them. I felt so bad about snapping at those two boys. I needed to apologise properly.

To keep my mind busy, I decided to try on the clothes. They all fitted but I didn't exactly love them. I never liked wearing dresses much and it was such a change from what I normally wear. I decided to wear the black one covered in red flowers so I decided to wear that to dinner. I never wore make up as it reminds me of my mum when she was with all those men. I twisted my fringe back (well it's not much of one because it's so long) and pinned it back.

That must be the bell for dinner! I can't be late. I tied up my boots and walked out of my room. Jake walked out just infront of me. Even though him and Enoch seemed like jerks I decided to give them a second chance as I probably just caught them at a bad time.

Jake's POV
Holy shit, Kathy's in the room next to me. Just walk down to dinner and don't look at her. "Hey Jake!" She called out. I turned around and scanned her up and down. She was more beautiful than before, her dress hugged here shape, her hair looked so soft and her face was indescribable. I didn't say anything. "I'm sorry about what I said to you earlier, I was a bit harsh" she told me. Yes! I haven't blown it, she talked to me. I saw Enoch's door open, I didn't want to spend much time around him. "Er it's ok don't worry about it, we should probably get going as we will be late," I said trying to move her along.

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