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Me and Enoch sat down together in our usual spaces. Olive had left me, Enoch and Jake alone recently. I was so glad I didn't have to talk to her or be nice and I think Enoch was too. Jake and Emma came in just behind us, they looked flustered but they had wide smiles on their faces. I wonder what they'd got up to. When we were all seated Miss Peregrine said we could start, so we all began to eat.

It was delicious as always. Today we had steak and it was amazing. I still couldn't each much and Miss Peregrine had noticed so she made my portions smaller. I tried my best to clear my plate but I just couldn't manage it. "So where were you and Emma?" I asked Jake. He looked at me and smiled. "Well I got the courage to confess my feelings and she said she felt the same. I'll let you imagine what happened next," He replied quietly. We both laughed quietly, trying not to draw attention to ourselves.

"What's so funny?" Enoch inquired. He was demanding but calm. It was little things like this that drove me crazy about him. How he was always so dominating and mysterious, I loved it. "Well Jake grew a pair and told Emma something," I told him. He looked me dead in the eyes and I blushed. He'd never looked at me like that. It was kinda sexy, I must admit.

Enoch POV
"I thought I'd never see the day," I said, still staring dead at Kathy. She was too embarrassed and nervous to look at me. I knew that I only had a few day left that I could use to tease Kathy, so I decided to go all out. Now she knows about my past and she still sees me the same, I know she's the one made for. I knew Kathy was submissive so she'd never speak up about me teasing her. I'd stop if she was uncomfortable or not happy. I was defiantly a dominant. I guess it's because to everyone, before coming here, I was a push over and no one respected me. I was sick of that. I loved it when Kathy looked up to me and respected me. I don't know why but I love it. I had here wrapped around my finger, and I knew she'd do anything for me. Obviously I respect her and I think the world of her, I'd never hurt her.

I decided to rest my leg against her. At first she looked slightly agitated and she acted like I wasn't. It was really cute to see how nervous she got around me. She kept on fidgeting. I could tell she enjoyed me touching her, and so did I. "So, how are you?" I asked Kathy flirtatiously and making eye contact. Shee was obviously embarrassed and nervous. I decided to lay it off a bit, I didn't want to make her uncomfortable.

Kathy's POV
He's such a flirt and tease sometimes. "Yeah I'm good. I'm a annoyed because again I can't fit in any pudding because I'm so full," I replied to him, making occasional eyes contact. I was slightly uncomfortable from Enoch touch me and looking at me, but I kind of enjoyed it. "Well done, I swear you've only been able to eat pudding twice, the whole time you've been here," He replied and I giggled and he smiled. It was true, I'd always over estimate how much I can eat and never have enough room from pudding.

We all had finished the main and Miss Peregrine stood up to get everyone's attention. Everyone went silent. "So as many of you are away, loop day is in a few days," she was interrupted by an outburst of excited whispering. I had no idea what loop day was. "Sh sh. For Kathy and Jake, loop day is a yearly celebration of when our loop was created. We need something to look forward to. It's a day of celebrations, giving gifts and having fun!" She explained sounded excited but she tried to hide it. It's sounded so fun, no loops I'd been to had bothered to do anything. I knew I'd enjoy it, I never got invited to party or celebrations when I was with my parents. I looked at Enoch and smiled. "So like every year, we will go out the loop and go and buy presents and new clothes. I've decided on the groups. So all the younger ones will be with me and Olive, who kindly volunteered to help me. Kathy, Enoch, Jake and Emma will be allowed to go off as Jake and Kathy knows the outside world. So who's ready?!" She excitedly explained. All the younger kids cheered and we smiled.

This must be like Christmas for them, only better. If we were going into the outside world I could show them all so much. What do I buy everyone? I knew one thing I was going to get for sure, I'd get Enoch something special. I'd never had much experience with guys so I didn't know what to get him. I wanted to get him something that would remind him of us and our friendship and maybe more. I'll get him a Polaroid camera and scrapbook. We'd do it together and I'd write him a letter explaining what it is. I could add on how I feel about him. Maybe. I'll see how confident om feeling. "Come on its time for the film," Miss Peregrine announces snatching me back into reality.

We all walked into the living room, like every other night. I was about to sit down but Enoch was spread over both of our places. He's teasing me again. I swear he has no limits. I knew he wouldn't move, so I decided to sit on his lap. "Excuse me?" He said to me. "Oh sorry I couldn't see you there," I replied still not moving. He grabbed me by the waste and pulled me off his lap, I tried to resist but he was to strong. He finally got me off and he placed me right next to him. I loved it. I loved it when he was physical with me, I knew he'd never hurt me but I liked it when he had mini playful fights. He leaned back and I leaned back on his shoulder.

Enoch's POV
Kathy had her head one my shoulder, I felt a few butterflies in my stomach. Luckily no one had notices our little fight luckily, they were all paying attention to Jake and Emma who were holding hands. They were a whispering happily among themselves. If me and Kathy did become I thing, we can't let anyone know. I'd never hear the end of it and the kids will make it awkward. I don't want anyone to come between me and her.

Horace's dream started to play and silence swept through the room. It was the same as normal, just him trying om new suits and clothes. There was one part that showed Hugh and Fiona talking and giggling. We all knew he liked her, but I didn't wind him up about it since Kathy came because I didn't want he to do that to me. I can't lie it would be sweet for them to be together. There was one thing that worried me about all these relationships, if they broke down and didn't work out, what would it do to the house? Would everyone take sides and argue? I really hope if anything goes wrong we can all get over it quickly.

I decided not to pay attention to the dream but to Kathy. I looked down at her, she was like an angel. Her soft blonde hair was always slightly wavey, her perfect nose and soft lips. Her blue eyes were mysterious and they were like deep oceans, unexplored and unknown. The emptiness in them were fading away slowly. I knew soon I could get lost in them and be known my every part of her. She'd know every aspect of me and I'd know every part of her. I got butterflies just thinking about her. The fire she'd lit inside me a month ago had got stronger everyday I'd been with her. I knew that what I going to develop into a deep love for her. I was nervous and excited about admitting to her how I felt. She could just be extremely friendly but I hope not.

I put my arm around her and brought her closer to me. She relaxed into me more. I lived for moments like this. They were amazing. Knowing a person that is beyond amazing might love me made me go wild. What have I done right to deserve her? Why did such a selfless and kind person have to go thought so much? Why made her see whatever she sees in me? Why was it her I fell for? I'll never know why to those answers, buy I came to one conclusion. It was destiny. It wad destiny that brought her here and made her see what she sees. It was destiny that made me trust her and fall for her. How thankful I was for it.

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