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We all ate your food. The younger kids talked quietly among themselves. Jake and Emma shared a playful conversation, they were so cute together. I wish me and Enoch could be like that one day. Olive was silent of the whole meal. Enoch sent me a few worried looks that said are you ok? I answered them with a smile.

I wasn't happy but I wasn't sad. I was hurt and kind of numb. I was ok though. Everyone left leaving me and Enoch to do our chores. We had worked out a ways of clearing up efficiently. Enoch would bring in all the plates, cutlery and cups, I would wash them up, he'd dry them and I'd put them away. Then we split the rest of the jobs between us.

"So are you still up for trying to find some clothes in the attic later?" Enoch asked me as I tried to scrub some grease of a plate. "Yeah I want to try and stay busy today," I replied.
"That's great, I hope it hasn't all been eaten by moths."
"Oh god yeah, I did see quiet a few holes in some dressed when I first went up there."
"Do you like fashion or know much about it?" Enoch asked me. I literally had zero interest in clothes so I knew we'd have to ask Horace's for advice.
"Well I know what a dress is and that's about it. I have no idea how to make them look good if you couldn't already tell," I answered.
"How can you not know how to make a dress look nice! You're always stun-," Enoch said. Wait, what? He just called me stunning, or was about to. I suddenly got a wave of butterflies in my stomach. He started to blush violently and so did I. I guess he'd let that slip when and he wasn't meant to. "Thank you," I said quietly, still in partial shock. I'd never been called beautiful, let alone stunning.

I could see Enoch was uncomfortable, I just wanted to hold him close and tell him how I felt. I couldn't. I'd mess it up some how. I felt tension in the air, I desperatly tired to think of something to talk about. "So, do you think Hugh likes Fiona?" I asked him. He leapt at the opportunity to break the tension. "You'd have to be blind not to see it. He's known her for over 50 years but he's said nothing to her. It's funny to watch him try to flirt, he's just like Jake." He explained.
"I must admit Jake was abosulty terrible at trying to flirt with me."

We finished off the kitchen and did our own separate chores. Once I'd finished him I went to Enoch's room to find him. I opened the door but he wasn't there. I walked into his room, I loved it in there. It was dark and intriguing. I looked around I open the curtains let the sunlight shine across the room. It sparkled in his jars of hearts and organs. It's weird how I found beauty in some of the weirdest things. It reminded me of Enoch. Everyone saw him as a cold heartless monster but I saw through that, I saw a handsome, kind and caring boy. It was weird how I found what I've been looking for in Enoch, he wasn't what I expected. I thought he'd be stubborn and cruel. But the more I spent time with him and looked into him I saw that that wasn't really him. He just put up a strong outside so nobody would take advantage of him, I guess it's because of his past he did that. I could relate to that, I did it all the time as well but I felt like that he knew me and I didn't have to hide. I could let down my defence and let him see part of me that I'd never let anyone no else see. I told him everything even though there were parts of him that that I was unaware of. I knew over time I would know him as well as the back of my hand. I wanted to discover more about him. He was my mystery.

I walked out his room and saw him coming towards me he looks happy to see me. "What were you doing in my room?" He asked my playfully.
"I was trying to find you,"
"Well you've found me now so do you want to go in the attic now?" He asked me. "Yeah ok," I replied.

I've always him along the corridor and up the familiar staircase that I gone up a few weeks ago. No one ever really went off into the attic, not unless you need to get anything. I can understand why it wasn't a place you really wanted to spend time. It was dusty and stuffy and it could get really hot on somedays. I saw the door that I wasn't allowed to go in. I was going to ask Enoch what was in there, but when he looked at it he looked hurt. I wonder what was in there. I have no idea and I guess I just have to wait. The attic was rather plain, it has one small circular window at one end and the door at the other. Like before the Attic was full of furniture and boxes. We walked over to the boxes. Enoch reached up to a shelf I didnt see before and got 3 boxes full of clothes down. "Oh I didnt see them when I first came up here," I told him.
"You were blinded by Jake's love," He sniggered at me. I shot him a disapproving look. We pick them up we move them into the space in the middle of the floor we could go through them.

We began to look through the box. The smell of musky smell hit both of us making us cough slightly. "Why don't I pick out some clothes for you and you chose mine?" He suggested with a cheeky grin on his face. How could I say no to Enoch? "Alright, here's the girls clothes," I said pushing my box's towards him. I reached out for his box and started to go through it.

I didnt know but about female fashion let alone male. It was all a mixture of suits, blazers and trousers. I had no idea where to start. I found a burgundy and black chequed shirt, that might look good undone with a dark t-shirt underneath. I saw something dark and pulled at it. Bingo, it was a black t-shirt. I set the shirt and top to one side. I looked over at Enoch, his pile was alot bigger than mine. I guess there was more of a female fashion culture. I got the bottom of one box and moved onto the next. I discovered a black velvet blazer with red stitching. The velvet had a damask patteren all over it. Enoch would look so hot in it, he better like it else I'm going to have to force him to wear it.

We both finally got to the bottom of the all the boxes. Enoch had a dozen dresses, it looked like he'd picked put some nice things. I had less than him but I don't think he minded. "Do you want to go down to my room? I've got a screen in there and it's more spacious," I suggested.
"Yeah we don't spend enough time in there,"

We walked down the stairs and dropped the clothes onto my bed. There was a knock at the door, we both looked around. I was slightly confused as normally people would just barge into my room. It was Horace. Know I thought about it I wasn't surprised, he was extremly well mannered. "So I see you're look at some clothes," He says trying to hide his excitement. "Well done sherlock," Enoch said sarcastically. I sniggered and jabbed Enoch in the ribs. "Don't be so rude," I told him.
"Well you found it pretty funny," He said. "No change there," Horace said. It making me slightly embarrassed when I realised that I always laughed at Enoch's jokes. I hope no one but Horace had noticed.

"Yeah we are trying on some clothes," I said trying to put the conversation back on track. "Can I watch or join in?" He asked politely.
"No." Enoch said abruptly.
"Don't be so rude!" I told him.
"Why don't you go upstairs and find us some other things. You know alot more about this type of thing than both if us." I preposed.
"All right. I'll do that once I've finished my chores, I'll probably be able to give them to you at 1.30pm." He said.
"Thanks," I said while smiling.

Enoch's POV
Phew, I did not want Horace here. I'd found a corset style dress with a short skirt and I didn't want anyone getting any ideas. I went over and closed the door after Horace. "Do you want to put some music on?" Kathy asked me.
"Yeah why not, what do you want to listen to?" I asked her.
"I want you to chose. I've heard everything I've got. Chose something you haven't listened to yet." She insisted. She got out her vinyls and passed them to me. I went through them, I had no idea who any of them were so I judge them from their album art. I picked one out that saw called Royal Blood. I gave it to her. "Good choice, they have a new album out and I really want it. I have no idea how I'm going to get my hands on it though" she said while she put it onto the player. She adjusted the volume so it was just in the background.

There was lots of drums and bass guitars, I loved it's vibe. "This is really good," I told her.
"I know right, I love it. Right I'll go and try some things on" she said picking up the clothes. She walked behind the screen that was in the corner of the room. I sat down on her bed and waited.

Kathy's POV
I picked up the first dress, it was a casual dress. It was made out of a soft blue material with black buttons, waste band a collar. I buttoned it up and walked out from behind the screen. I looked in the mirror and Enoch got up from the bed and stood behind me. "I think it looks really nice, it brings out your eyes," Enoch complemented me confidently. He was alot more confident complementing me than earlier on. "Thank you, I like this one aswell," I said "looks like we are off to a good start."

I went back behind the screen and called out to Enoch to take the dress and put it in my wardrobe. I picked up the next dress, it was a dark purple dress made out of a light material. It looked quite big but I tried it on anyway. It confirmed my previous thoughts but I decided to show him anyway.

"You know I think that's a bit big you know?" He said jokingly.
"Yeah same" I said. I walked back behind the screen. I started to undo the dress with the zip at the back, but it was got all caught up and the zip was jammed. I fumbled at it but without seeing it, there was no hope of undoing it. Shit. I'm going to have to Enoch. Maybe it won't be so bad, if he does like me he won't mind and to be honest I didnt mind Enoch seeing my back. In my time it wasn't a big deal but this might be the most he's ever seen of a female body.

-A/N I've split this chapter in two as it'll be really long and I'd rather do 2 smaller chapter than one big one-

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