Stay Near Me

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Kathy's POV
I looked over at Enoch. This song always got to me, each line held meaning with me. I think Enoch did aswell, I could see it in his eyes. He'd never heard anyone talk about feeling like how he felt. "So what do you think?" I asked Jake and Enoch.
"It's a bit heavier than what I normally listen to but good," Jake replied. "I really like it," said Enoch not as enthusiastically as Jake though. I smiled at them both. It was a real one. Music always seemed to clear my head and make me ok.

"So you want me to do the wallpaper and the tops of the walls?" Jake asked, I remebered his peculiarity was moving things with his mind. He couldn't do heavy things yet because it wasn't strong enough. We put sheets on the floor and Jake did the wallpaper while me and Enoch started to do the painting.
"How do you like it here so far?" Enoch asked me. "It's good, I like it so far. The only downside is that I'm not that good at making friends that are a lot younger than me and most people here are alot younger than me," I explained. "Oh why don't you go and play tea party's and teddy bears picnic outside with them? You might end up loving in," Encoh replied sarcastically. "Then why don't you leave you're pit for once and go and play football?" I retaliated with an unimpressed look on my face. We laughed a bit. I loved it when we had sarcastic arguments, I loved to try and annoy him in a joking way. I think he did too. "What about Emma and Olive?" Jake asked me.
"They don't seem to like me, they always give me bad looks when I'm around you two. I think they're jealous," I said.
"I don't know how I feel about Emma," He said.
"Well I know exactly how I feel about Olive," Enoch agreed with Jake. I think they might slowly becoming friends. "Why do you think they like you so much?" I questioned them. I really wanted to hear what they think of themselves. Enoch started by saying "I have no idea what she sees in me, I a horrible person and I'm negative. I play with the dead! For heaven sakes it not a normal thing to do. I push her away but she always clings on."
"I don't think it's bad. I'd love to see what you do. You're not a horrible person," I replied
"Maybe I'll show you some other day. I don't get why Olive doesn't like Jake. He's so much better than me," Encoh said. I just wanted to pull him close and say no one is better than you.  You're perfect. Perfect to me. But I knew I couldn't. "You've gotta be joking Enoch! You could have any girl you wanted! You're so much better than me, seriously!" Jake replied. They argued playfully for a while, I didn't say anything. I was too busy studying Enoch. His voices, his eyes, his hair and everything else.

Conversation came easy to us, we already seemed like we were good friends. I was so thankful for them. We'd just finished when the bell for dinner rang. We decided it's be ok to go down in the clothes we were in. We ran down to the dining room and sat down where we sat before. Us three talked for the whole time. I didnt bother to look at Emma or Olive because I knew they'd be furious at me.

We walked through to the living room. Again is sat by Enoch and Jake but I made sure I was closest to Enoch. Again half the dream was about clothes. Then I changed. It was a dark room with a bed. Everyone leaned closer to get a better look. SHIT. It was two people that looked like me and Enoch sleeping together. I was blushing and so was Enoch. I didnt look at anyone to avoid more embarrassment. Then in the dream I sat up and started screaming and crying. Enoch woke up and looked terrified. "Right that's enough of that!" Miss Peregrine boomed. The pictured and sound faded away. "Let's go out and watch the reset!" Miss Peregrine commanded. We walked out.

Everyone was whispering and looking at us. Emma didn't look annoyed but Olive, she was furious. I'd never seen her so mad. We watched the reset, I didn't think I'll ever get bored of seeing it. We took of our gas masks and started to go in then Miss Peregrine called me and Enoch over.
"I understand that Kathy can not sleep in her room because of the paint fumes so, if it's ok with both of you, you'll be sleeping in Enoch's room. You seem to have made friends and Jake's bed is too small for two people. Is that ok?" Miss Peregrine asked us. "Yeah that's fine with me," I answered. "Im alright with that, Enoch replied. "I can trust you two? Don't do anything that I wouldn't approve of," Miss Peregrine said. I knew exactly what she meant. "Yeah definatly you can trust us," I replied immediately. She dismissed us. We both walked up to Enoch's room.

Enoch's POV
I swear this day only gets better. I can't believe I've been able to spend the whole afternoon with Kathy and now the whole night. I hope she doesn't wake up and starts screaming like in Horace's dream. I don't know what I would do.

She'd gone to get her stuff so I tried to tidy away some of my stuff. She came in and put her stuff on my bed. I was to awkward to say anything to her. "Your room is so cool! It's amazing! Can you show me your peculiarity in the morning?" She said actually sounding impressed and interested. I loved it when she took an interest in me.

Kathy's POV
"Yeah sure," He replied seeming slightly taken aback. I wish he took more pride in being himself. "I better have a shower," I said.
"Yeah same, I'll go to the downstairs bathroom." He replied. He seemed really nervous around me. I guess he's just not used to having people in his room.

I went and had a shower, this time I remebered my pajamas. I walked out of the bathroom. I saw Olive coming towards me. Shit. She came right up to me and hissed "How dare you try to take my Enoch away from me! He is mine and you will pay!"
"Are you always this stupid or are you making a special effort today?" I spat back at her. Enoch was coming up the stairs. I heard him laughing at what I said. "Come on Kathy just ignore it" He told me. Olive stormed of obviously pissed at the both of us.
"She having was having a go at you again wasn't she?" He asked me sounding concerned and annoyed. He did that cute thing with his again. "Yeah but it's ok, I'm fine," I replied trying to resure him.

We went into his room and got into his bed. I had butterflies. I was so nervous about sleeping near him. I was laid out on my back and he was on his side facing me. Then the thoughts started. The darkness crept into my mind. Just like before. The soul crushing guilt from killing my mum, the emptyness from missing my dad and mum, seeing my family slowly falling apart. It was too much for me. My mood dropped dramatically. I need to get my mind of this. I couldn't randomly ask to talk with Enoch.

Enoch's POV
I looked over a Kathy. She didn't look ok. I could see it on her face and in her eyes. She looked like she was in a bad place. I couldn't bare seeing her like this. "Hey, are you ok?" I asked her softly. She looked over at me. Tears were welling in her eyes. She stayed silent. Then she started to cry. "Come here," I said, gesturing her to hug me. We moved closer together and I held her. Her head was on my chest. My arms warped around her tightly. One on her head and one on her back. I could feel her tears soaking through my top. I didnt mind. This is what I wanted. Me to be there for her. To hold her close to me. To share warmth and comfort.

I tried comforting her. "Do you want to talk?....Is there anything I can do?...Are you feeling any better?" I asked her softly. She nodded gently against my chest as a reply to the last question.

Kathy's POV
I loved being this close to Enoch. I could feel his heart beat against my head. I felt terrible. Everything was too much. My tears made his shirt wet. The pain slowly left me and was replaced by a warm comforting feeling. I was expecting to be numb but I wasn't.

He started to play with my hair, wrapping it around his fingers. I sunk deeper into his chest. His smell comforted me. His warmth soothed me. He held me closer and rested his chin on my forehead. This was the best feeling I'd had in years. All I've ever wanted is to have someone that cared about me, liked me, would be there for me and I could talk to. Who knew that I would find is inside a cold, heartless shell. He had almost broken mine but I still had to get through to him.

I feel into a deep relaxation and eventually sleep.

Enoch's POV
She eventually feel sleep next to me. I can't believe this is happening to me. I'm so lucky to have such a beautiful, caring, amazing person in my arms. That spark that was lit yesterday was now a small fire. I wouldn't call it love yet but I knew it was heading that way. I was scared but excited.

My tshirt was soaked so I decided to take it of, as it would only make me cold and I didn't like sleeping with a tshirt on anyway.  I pulled away from her grasp trying not to disturb her. I would never go shirtless infront of anyone because I'm not attractive and I wouldn't want to be judge, I trust Kathy and I hope she doesn't think anything bad about me being topless.

I looked back at Kathy. Her eyes were red and puffy but she was so beautiful. She looked so peaceful and calm. I settled back down next to her. I slowly drifted to sleep, think about what the future could hold for the both of us. Who knows where we would be in a month?

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