Telling Tales

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Olive stood in my way. "Are you blind aswell as stupid?!" I spat at her. "Neither I just think you should know this. I heard Kathy talking to Jake," she started. "So what? Just move," I said trying to intimate her. I was getting impatient. "Well she said that she doesn't actually like you. She's just leading you on. She's going to take advantage of you," she explained and walked away happily.

What. The. Hell. I was confused. Kathy had been spending time with Jake. It would make sense. She'd take advantage of me, lead me on and the go off with Jake! I can't believe she'd do this! She's horrible! I can't believe I trusted her. I was going to let her in! Tell her things I'd never tell anyone! That slut, trying to get with me then leave me for someone better!

A huge fire of anger burnt inside me, I stormed off to my room. I wanted to punch Kathy. No. I'd get my own back by ignoring her. Insulting her. She deserved it. I'll get under her skin. I'll annoy her until she can't bare the thought of me.

I punched my mattress. I smashed my homunculi. The anger faded and was replaced with a feelings of depression. My anger melted into tears. My eyes streamed. I broke down. I feel to the floor by my door. I hate her. I hated myself for liking her. I'll never let anyone in again. I'll never trust anyone. I was right, no one would ever love me let alone like me. I'm a failure. I'm waste of life. Kathy saw that and wanted to take advantage of me. She'd make herself seem the same so I trust her. She has no idea what it's like to be broken. Somedays I really hate the fact I'm broken.

The saddness was eventually pushed away by numbness. It was like my heart and soul had been ripped out and thrown back at me. But it was normal. I was my old self again. Empty, cold and alone. I knew I could never truly be happy. I just sat there. Thinking of everything and nothing at the same time.

Time skip to dinner

Kathy's POV
I couldn't wait to see Enoch. He'd shut himself in his room most of the day. I didnt want to disturb him as I knew he liked to be alone sometimes. I wanted to tell him that me and Emma were now friends and I felt like I was finally fitting in at the home. I didnt see Enoch go out of his room so I went down to dinner with Jake and Emma. We had planned to all go to the beach together the next day.

I got down to the dining room and sat down at my normal space. "Hi," I said to Enoch. He looked at me and glared. "Are you ok?" I asked. This was not the Enoch I knew. What had happened? "Oh I've never felt better," He said sarcastically. His Scottish accent came through so strongly. I loved hearing it. Something was wrong but I knew this wasn't the time to discuss it. "Do you want to go to the beach with me, Jake and Emma tomorrow?" I asked him.
"Why the hell would I want to go to the beach with you?" He hissed at me. It hurt. I felt like I'd been punch in the stomach. I glared and him and decided to talk to Jake instead of worrying about Enoch.

We ate our food which was a delicious chicken. My mum had never bothered to make nice food for me so the food here was amazing. I've always had a slight problem with food as I could never eat much but I no one asked me questions. We all finished and went through to the living room.

We sat down and Miss Peregeine announced "Horace you may now start the film,". He put his eye piece to his eye and projected his dream. It was the same as normal but it took place in the house. There was screaming and shouting in the background. We finally got to see what it was. It was me and Enoch. We were screaming at each other. Everyone looked at us.

As soon as we had seen it Miss Peregrine stopped the film and took us outside to for the reset. Everyone was there except Enoch. I guess he'd gone to bed early. We watched the rest, it still entranced me. Seeing the rain stop, the bomb hover, the world frozen and then it goes backwards. It was amazing. I had significant meaning to me, a new day can bring so many changes and experiences.

We all went inside. Earlier that day me Jake and Emma decided we wanted to go to the beach together. They could get closer and I could get some time to myself. We caught Miss Peregrine and asked her. She said that we could as long as we were back at 4pm sharp, be on our best behaviour and did all our chores early. Jake would swap chores with Enoch so we could leave at 11am. We would take a packed lunch that we had to make.

I was so excited for tomorrow. Even though me and Emma had completely different personalities we got along so well. I really wanted to help her and Jake get into a relationship. Apparently before I arrived he flirted with Emma a lot so I knew he might still like her.

I got to my room, had a shower then crawled into bed. I felt like everything was almost perfect here, not mentioning how I felt mentally. Then I remebered Enoch. What had done to piss him off? I wish I knew. I just wanted to see him, talk to him or just be around him. I drifted to sleep thinking about him. I wish I knew what I had done.

Little Monster~Enoch O'connorWhere stories live. Discover now